Monthly Archives: June 2012

Hunting for the Perfect Muffin (Not a Recipe)

Mendota doesn’t have a store! It’s awful! We’ll get another store some time. I hope it’s soon.

However, if you look real hard, there’s a whole bevy of stuff available for “local” shoppers. For instance, here’s the perfect blueberry muffin. I did not have to drive to Bristol or Abingdon for my muffin.   The picture does not do the muffin justice.  It is not a’s big.  The sugar flakes are large.  It’s moist.

Rivermyst Farm's Perfect Blueberry Muffin by Lizzie Kiser

Where did I get this muffin?   I’ll give you the scenic route.

I went up Swinging Bridge Road. There’s ol’ Clinch peeking out of the fog. The mountain looks pretty on days like this. Actually, the mountain always looks pretty.

Drove along some fencing

Drove past my neighbor’s house. Here’s one of their sheep.

Me: “Hey sheep…know where I can get a muffin?”
Sheep: “Lady…I don’t know nothun’ about no muffin!”
Me: “Know where I can get some lambchops?”
Sheep: “Moo.”

DJ's Sheep

I turned onto Barnrock…

Pine Grove Baptist Church

I drove past Pine Grove Church. Nice folks at Pine Grove, and Sammy, the pastor, is married to my cousin Susan, but there are no muffins at Pine Grove.

What is this?   I’ve arrived!

Rivermyst Farm is located on Barnrock Road. It’s an organic family farm owned by the Kiser Family. You can find Don, Molly, Jonathan, Lizzie and sometimes Sarah and Samuel at the Bristol Farmer’s Market and the Abingdon Farmer’s Market. Lizzie makes great muffins.


