Where There Is Love

There is an old Irish proverb “It is easy to halve the potato where there is love.” You may have a half of one of my potatoes.

Here they are…all fancy in their blooms. When the bloom fades and the leaves wither, the potato is ready.


Here they are on May 4…they were only babies just five weeks ago.

Potatoes 051414

And here they are on June 8…

Potatoes So Big

I’m such a lazy gardener. I’ve let the greens bolt. The basil has gone crazy.

Crazy Lettuce

But it all works out in the end. I borrowed a few coreopsis blooms, a petunia vine and some of the crazy basil and bolting spinach.

Flowers 2

How is your garden growing? Thank you for reading RiverCliff Cottage.
