Pictures are more effective than words, so I’ll start with a picture of the 2019 Mendota Cemetery Quilt we’re calling Crossroads. This is our primary fundraiser for the upkeep of the Mendota Cemetery. To date, we have never turned a family in the community away in their time of need; and while we do ask the families to pay the backhoe fee, we do not charge for the burial. Yet our cemetery is as beautiful–or even more beautiful–than most I’ve seen. When you arrive as a permanent guest at our country cemetery, you’ve reached the “crossroads” that we all must reach.

The quilt was lovingly pieced by Chris Schanzenbach and Margie Dean. I didn’t do very much so I take no credit. Most of the fabric on the front was donated, but we purchased the rich blue and gold paisley on the reverse side. We were a tiny bit short on our purchase, however, so Chris inserted a row of pieces. She’s a master.

We did not hand stitch the Mendota Cemetery Quilt Pam Sprinkle did that for us and she, as always, did an awesome job. Look at the leaf pattern from her long-arm quilter.

The Mendota Cemetery is so peaceful. It’s one of my favorite places. There is at least one Confederate grave there, and there also is the grave of a gunslinger turned preacher.

If you wish to be a part of of maintaining this historic cemetery — and I hope that you do — message me and I will tell you how you can purchase a raffle ticket for just $1.
Thank you.
The quilt is beautiful anyone would be proud to own the quilt
Thank you Barbara! I agree!