People…I do not know the day of the week. If I do not look at my iPhone or ask Alexa, one day might as well be the next. It’s crazy. I’m just drifting. I saw a little thing somewhere that says..
#coronavirus has turned us all into dogs. We roam the house all day looking for food. We are told “no” if we get too close to strangers. And we get really excited about car rides.
I’ve been working on a quilt top, and I have several other quilt/sewing projects to start and finish; and since it is so easy to have numerous unfinished projects, I wanted to finish this before I took on anything else. Here’s my completed quilt top. It’s comprised for four-quarter blocks of reproduction vintage 30’s fabrics. Many of the fabrics are from a designer named Lori Holt and her Farmgirl Vintage series.

Tippy Jo helps me every step of the way. She thinks she knows a lot about everything, and she’s right, I somehow got my machine stuck in reverse. It’s fine now, but there was a moment….
I just make the quilt top. I don’t even try to quilt my quilts. Someone else can do these on the long arm quilter far better than me. I don’t hand piece them either. I have arthritis in my right hand that would make this difficult. However, I do enjoy putting the color combinations together. This is a scrap quilt so there really isn’t a pattern.
The backing of the fabric is a large print with the same colors. It has a nod to the 30’s as well, but instead of the tiny 30’s patterns, it’s a large pattern. I like the contrast from one side to the other. I am binding the quilt in red. Even though I use good fabrics, I washed and tested the red to ensure it does not run and fade onto the fabric.

This quilting and working with fabrics reminded me what a mess my sewing notions were in. I have several sewing notion storage containers, but this is my favorite. In this picture, it’s all tidied and ready to be closed. Isn’t this amazing?

And look how small it gets. This is important as, like many, my dining room is also my sewing room!

Have a wonderful day.