
Blogs are not “in style”. It’s why people don’t blog anymore. They find that sharing on Instagram Stories, etc. is sufficient. However, if you’ve ever had a blog, you might better understand what I’m going to say. t’s very, very difficult to close a blog down. It’s very personal. It’s got a bit of history. In mine, it also has some of the history of my community.

I recently lost my blog. I didn’t back it up, and while I maintain a website here and there, I am not highly skilled in the “back end” of a website. At any rate, my blog had a fatal error. While I DID back up my site once about two years ago, it was on my old decrepit laptop that I used last year. When I attempted to find the backup, I had no mouse to look for the folder! My current laptop has a touch pad and all of the laptop mice have scurried away!

However, I started “messing” in WordPress, and I somehow figured out that I might have a recovery method. The long and the short of this is that I got access to the recovered blog, went into the backend and removed the problem plug in. I knew what the plug in was that was giving me issues because WordPress had messaged me. I just could not get into my blog. Instead, I got the white screen of death.

I’m so happy tonight that I have my blog back. I am going to update it weekly. It makes me so much more intentional in how I spend my time, and I need that.

For this week, ending today on Friday, November 20, I have done the following:

Big accomplishment: Recovered this blog. Yay me! I feel like a genius.

Read one book: “The Year of Less” by Cait Flanders. It was a great starting point for January when I like to declutter. I recommend you read it if you find yourself with closets full of things you don’t wear and a habit of shopping when you are out of sorts.

I took one good picture. I did not do this intentionally. I was impressed that when the foliage is turning gray and we’ve had below freezing temperatures several nights, this fading rose was still beautiful and yanked out my iPhone. One of the great things about walking my dog is that I notice things.

And my favorite find of the week has been raspberries for $3.98 at Sam’s Club. I cannot eat enough of these.

Last, I am grateful for so many things this year. While it has been a year of not eating out, not gathering and not doing many things, it still has been a good year. One of the smallest things, but it is still important to me, is this RiverCliff Cottage. I’m thankful it’s back.
