January 74, 2025 No Spend and Other Things

Seriously. It is January 26 and it seems like we are at least on day 74. It has been the 5th coldest month on record in our Southwest Virginia/Tri-Cities region. I enjoy the cold, but I have not enjoyed the ice that has remained at the end of our driveway. It will be 44 today, and I’m hoping that it’ll melt.

Amy Larson took these pictures of the beautiful North Fork of the Holston. It’s not as frozen as I’ve seen it in the past, but it’s still fun to look at.

We are so fortunate to live with this type of beauty right under our feet. Here’s another..

Here’s another interesting tidbit from this week. Terri Collier McCroskey…my cousin shared this.

With all of the food issues (egg shortages, contaminated this or that, etc), we are all wishing our food was more local and the Barker Milling Company was still milling on the North Fork. In Mendota, we are fortunate because we can buy eggs, chicken and beef locally. Pretty sweet.

But, back to winter. It’s been cold. We are now being told we have a period of milder temps until around February 8. I don’t mind the warm temps or the cold. I enjoy winter. It’s the time to get things done on the inside and plan for spring. My mind has been very busy as this is the spring that we plan to list our house for sale. April is our date, and there’s quite a bit that has to occur before it happens. We think we have it priced right for 12 acres of riverfront property with a guest house. (We are not selling the shop or the land behind it. We will place our new house there.). It will all seem real when the well driller comes to place the new well. We have all the permitting done that is required, the well driller lined up and now we are just waiting on him to finish other jobs and move to us. That occurs in April with the current schedule. Presently, the shop shares a well with the main house. With the new well, the shop will receive its water from the new house.

We are also doing something a little different. While our new well pump will be powered by electricity, we will putting a device on it that provides the ability to manually pump water should a need to do so ever occur. This manual pump is for a true disaster or emergency where electricity would not be available for a long period of time.

It seems like this is sort of over-the-top thinking, but the natural disaster that occurred in Western North Carolina reminded us how vulnerable we are. Even though this was months ago, there are still areas that do not have access to water. There are many things we can do without but water is not one of them. A well that can pump with or without electricity makes me feel more secure.

Enough thinking about those things. What I do think about a lot and can do something about is making a new quilt top. This is a summer quilt I’m making out of fat quarters and scraps. It’s not my favorite quilt, but it’ll be nice to have a summer quilt rolled up in a basket to use outside at night or to place on the couch to protect from dirty dog paws.

Tippy does such good design work. If any of you want her services, she’s very affordable. One thing — you have to come here. She doesn’t ride in a car and does not make exceptions without powerful medications.

She is such a great help. I cannot say it enough. Because of her help, to keep things together, I decided to go ahead and put the six blocks I’ve completed together. The quilt only has 12 total blocks. By putting these together, I can keep up with things. Tippy, in spite of her help, loses things.

Here it is hanging on the ironing board after I gave the assembled six blocks a quick press. I”m liking this better. It’ll be great to lay over a chair and keep sweet little dirty paws from doing their work.

And I’m still cleaning out spaces and drawers. Every day another drawer. Today I cleaned out a section of the primary bathroom where I keep a few cosmetics. These are all things that have been hanging out in that cabinet for at least two years. They are. not empty but they are not being used. Boom. They are being discarded.

I like to keep the countertop clean. I don’t do well at this, but my goal is always to do so.

And…in addition to completing this space and many other drawers, etc. this week, I’ve had a success. I finally, finally after about 5 million tries, made sourdough bread. My sister helped me. I love her sourdough bread and she only quit making it because we all ate like pigs. (It does that.). She got her starter together and helped me. Here’s my dough. It’s in my mother’s gravy bowl. How many times have my sisters and I seen that bowl on the table? Hundreds at least. What good fortune that she was chosen to be our mother.

And here’s the resulting Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich on sourdough toast!!

My No Spend January. I’ve done pretty well, and it’s a good thing as we had unexpected expenses. However, I am not bragging on our how I did as I bought quilt fabric. Too much of it. I’m guilty guilty guilty.

Hope you are finding joy in these cold, short winter days.
