My Second Azure Standard Order

I have finally experienced success in making sourdough bread and I wanted to ensure I had a good supply of bread flour. (I watch too many prepping shows and keep hearing about a flour shortage.). I’ve got several five pound bags of King Arthur organic bread flour in the freezer, but I wanted more.

I ordered a ten-pound bag of flour from Azure, and I compared organic cane sugar prices and realized that a 25-pound bag of sugar was a good value, so I ordered that as well. Twenty five pounds of sugar will last me for 2-3 years at least.

The first time I ordered from Azure Standard and met the truck at the drop location, the date and time changed several times. This time, it did not. I wish it had, because I had to be at the drop location which is at Second Harvest Foodbank (near the Airport) at 8 am. I was on the road at 7 am. It was dark but very pretty.

For my first drop back in January, it was in the evening and it was primarily men picking the items up. Today, it was primarily women and quite a few children.

Like before, we made two lines and we helped unload the truck. There were several pallets. The driver was so nice. After unloading the pallet, he held up the wood pallet and offered it to anyone who wanted it. It was the cleanest pallet I’ve ever seen.

Here’s my name that was used to identify where to put my things as strangers unload the truck. I purchased three items that were in two parcels. One thing I like is that Azure recycles boxes. Some of my stuff was in a box labeled with my name etc., but it was a “Triple Berry Blend” box of some sort. I was a little concerned thinking I had gotten something I had not ordered until I realized it was a recycled box. I saw a lot of Triple Berry Blend boxes. My box actually held flour and vanilla extract.

It was crazy busy for a while. I am still learning. Everyone moved away from the truck and I thought we were through. Only after I got in the car did I realize the group had moved to the front right side of the truck where there must be a door for refrigerated items. Next time, I’ll know and do better. This is a horrible picture. Sorry.

Azure Standard now has a brand of canning jars. They are more expensive than the Ball canning jars I get so it’s a pass.

The butter must be good. I saw several boxes of organic butter.

We were finished up pretty quick. I left the drop location, went to the dry cleaners and Kroger pharmacy and was back in Mendota by 9:45 am.

And that was my second Azure experience. If you want to try Azure, please let me know. I can provide you with a link and I’ll get $25 off. Yay!! I did not realize this until my neighbor told me.


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