Category Archives: Rural Life in Mendota

Daily adventures in a rural farming community.

A Little Organization Really Helps

Since Mike and I opened up our small seasonal business, our lives have been like drinking from a firehouse.  We’re drowning!   No one is complaining, but today when we had a large cancellation, it freed the day up to be a lighter day, and I decided to stay home and clean my house.   My sweet neighbor has been helping me out by cleaning this summer, and when she could not do it this week and I discovered that I could, I was happy!

When everything is moving so fast, sometimes it’s helpful to control what you can control  I can control this mess.  At least today!

Even something as simple as napkins — we use cloth napkins, and where I used to iron them and put them away, I have just folded them and stuffed them away this summer.     I realized last week that they were looking bad.  Some of them were 20 years old — I’d bought them in Franklin, Tennessee in the 1980’s!!  I went through them, and if there were not four napkins that matched that had no stains, they went into the rag pile.  This is just one pile.  Sad.

Here it is…Napkins Three

After I did this, for my every day napkins, I was left with only two sets of four and even these are showing a little wear…

Napkins Two

But after I ironed and folded them, they’ll work for a while longer.  I felt good slipping this little–much lighter-basket under the counter where I keep my napkins.  I’ll be buying more in the coming weeks.

Napkins Four

It feels good to be in my home today.  It’s just me and River and the two cats inside, and Lilly and her five kittens right outside where I can watch them.   I have a lot of plans for my house this winter.  We are moving to the guest house and having our hardwood refinished here in the main house as well as touch up the paint.   I’m going to use that time to rethink every piece of “stuff” in this house.

I’m trying not to buy things just for the sake of buying them.   However, I have looked at this sign for over a year.  It wasn’t cheap, but I like what it says.   I think there are too many signs displayed in homes I see in magazines…they seem to shout for attention!     Yet, I really wanted this sign…maybe I wanted some attention, too!   Seriously, it speaks of who I want to be…not who I am…but who I want to be.    Words to live by!


Hope you have a good day.  I am going to start vacuuming!  Woo Hoo!


Posting From Adventure Mendota 080715

Hi…I so miss RiverCliff Cottage, but I posted tonight on the Adventure Mendota River Blog and thought I’d just link it up here as well.    For those of you who do not know, my husband and I opened up a small paddlesports outfitter featuring kayak and tube rentals.  We’ve had a very good first season–far better than we’d hoped, and it’s left us grateful.  And exhausted!    We argue over who is the most tired.  Of course, it’s me!!

We have been so blessed to be busy this summer, but I expect that after Labor Day, things will slow down, and my life will resume to normal again.    Meanwhile here’s what is happening on the  North Fork

Adventure Mendota’s River Blog

While I’m not going to be blogging too often until things slow down, I am going to start working with the web designer who helped me build this website and update it a bit.  I’m looking forward to that.

Hope you are having a good summer!


Flash Flood in Mendota and Benhams

As I left North Bristol and approached Benhams, a man held his arm out the window and flashed his lights.   I wondered what was going on.

The creeks were out in the road and water was rushing across the pavement.  I drove through it, and I got to the other side, but my car moved.  I was scared.    More water was ahead, but this time I could see the yellow center lines so I drove through cautiously but knew I could reach the other side.

Benhams was a mess.   There’s pictures all over Facebook of the water.   I drove down Nordyke and halfway down encountered this…a log was in the road and Nordyke Creek was there with it.

After the log was moved, it was still too dangerous to go through.   I turned around and went to my cousin’s house.  Mike was able to drive up in the truck and get me.   Since I drive a Prius which is low to the ground, there was no way I was going to drive through water again.    Here’s the creek that was in the road.

Further down, Sherman Pippin (Bubby)and friends were working to get Barb’s old bridge (Barb is Bubby’s sister) off of Bubby’s bridge.

Whew!   Sometimes the day is a challenge.



Kittens July 8

Four days old and they are already developing personalities.   This little gray one that I’m thinking is a boy is called  “Huckleberry.”  He loves to eat!

Dreaming Kitten

As soon as I took the picture above, he did this…

Kitten 2


The Mendota Five

A few weeks ago I wrote about a stray cat that had joined the feral cat that we have been feeding.   He hates my cats and terrorizes them.  However, for some reason, he took up with this little black and white stray.    He’s  a neutered male, and he’s sweet in a completely dysfunctional type of way.   When I pet him, he arches his back to be petted yet  hisses at the same time.

So In Love

I thought the black and white cat looked pregnant so I made her an appointment about ten days ago, but we had something go awry here at the house, and Mike could not take her for the appointment.  We missed it.  It’s an ordeal to take a cat to the vet because as we drive out, they always are frightened and always are sick from the car ride, so it’s not something we just do — we plan it.    But we didn’t get there.    We had our own doctor and dental appointments, cars that had to be taken for service, and so on and so forth.   We didn’t get to the vet.  How irresponsible is that?   But, at any rate, last night she had five kittens.

I knew something was amiss yesterday.   She…I call her Lilly after a saloon girl in an old tv show, was very clingy to Muffin, the gray feral.   She wanted to lay with him on his pillow, but he wasn’t really about sharing that pillow so she sat on the edge of the chair.  Muffin has filled out quite a bit since I wormed him.   He’s due another round.  I want to get him to the vet but I haven’t figured out how.  I can’t imagine riding in a car with Muffin in the cat carrier.  I can’t imagine getting Muffin in the cat carrier for that matter.   If there are any vets wanting to go kayaking, I’ll cut you a deal if you’ll come up and vaccinate Muffin!!

Kitten W11

Last night, Lilly was so tired.  She curled up in her bed and seemed completed exhausted.  So much so that I  slipped her little bowl in with her so she could eat.   I suspected that the kittens were coming.    By 11:00, I went out and she had one kitten.  An hour later, there were FIVE kittens.  Did you know each kitten may have a different father?  My goodness, Lilly, what and who did you do?     

I decided to embrace these kittens.  I love kittens, but I never allow a cat to have them for obvious reasons.   However, these are here, so I’m going to enjoy them, socialize them and hope I can find them good homes.  If not, well, I’ll be the woman with NINE cats.   Here they are.  They can “mew” very loudly.

Kitten W13

I”m thinking where I can put these kittens in the next few weeks where they can develop, socialize and not be harmed.   My biggest fear right now is that Lilly will lie down on them and smother them.  They sleep about 90 percent of the time, and I go out and check to make sure no one has gotten smothered.  So far…so good.

I’ll keep you posted. They are my new fascination.



Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Are you having a marvelous 4th of July?   I didn’t even get a red white and blue wreath up!!   We anticipated this being a really busy time for our paddle sports business, and then, the rain came.  And it came.  And it came.   On the upside, the river should be great for kayaking and tubing for the next several weeks.

So while everyone else was blowing up fireworks, we took our “off day” and blew up tubes.   See that blue tube that is in front of the blue and white tube?  Which would you prefer?  Most will say the Intex River Run.   It’s a commercial tube, and it should be good, but we’re having trouble with them.  Maybe they don’t like our river?

Pix 1

They lose air.  Do you think you could float very far on this (pictured below)?

River run Dead

That’s why we’ve purchased a whole bunch of these blue ones like the one I am  sitting on.  We had about a dozen which we’ve been testing, and they’ve done well, so we ordered a bunch more.  And I just want you to know that the camera really does add 10 pounds and my hair looks terrible.  If I’m going to work  in the tubing business, I have to figure out a way to not have horrible hair due to the humidity.   I think I’m going to grow it fairly long where I can put it up in a twist; it looks good up, but it falls down.  I’ve got to learn to put it up and keep it up.  I’m going to get Viagra for my hair.   That’s a plan.

Sandy and eva in Tube

Oh dear…as I write this, it’s pouring rain again.   We may never reopen at this rate.   We may go in the ark business instead.    I’m using this time to think ahead a little bit.  We have company coming in July.    I have to get this house together.   What better way than to start working on a chalkboard window for the mantle about summer?

Summer time

Mike, who has been working every day since May 2 when we opened, came by and looked at the chalkboard and said “that is a dam darn lie….followed by “liar…liar …pants on fire!”     But I like it anyway, and I will put it up tomorrow.

By the way…have you ever seen so many life vests?   These will be handy for all the new kayaks, the tubes…the ark!


And more…

And more…I swear…they are like Walmart bags.  They are breeding when we’re not looking!

Happy 4th of July!




How To Clean Your Life Vest

Since I had never been on a kayak until October, 2014, you probably don’t find it surprising that I didn’t realize that a frequently used life vest, now called a personal flotation device, can become really stinky.

You might find it surprising that based on the fact that I had never been on a kayak until October, 2014, I now am a partner with my husband in a small paddle sports business called Adventure Mendota.   Can you guess what else we do after you look at this picture?   We tube.

Tube Mobile

Besides doing tubing, I now love adore kayaking, and I own over 60 life vests.  All 60 go into the river pretty regularly.  On week 7 of our new business, we realized all 60+ had a stinkin’ problem.

Here’s how we fixed that:

Step One:    Mix 1 cup white vinegar  + 1 gallon water  (in our case, we multiplied by 8)

Step Two:    Submerge and swish the life vest around for about a minute

Step Three:  Mix 1/4 cup of a scented laundry detergent such as Gain in about 8 gallons of warm water

Step Four:    Submerge and swish the life vest around for about a minute.   Use a toothbrush on any muddy spots that are still there.

Step Five:     Rinse with hose.

Step Six:        Hang outside until completely dry.    This is my favorite part.

Life jackets on fence

The life vests smelled so nice this evening when we brought them in.    We want to take care of them and use them for as long as we can, so I’m glad this worked so well.

That’s how we do it out in the country!!!



Everyone Needs Someone…Even Muffin the Cat!

Muffin is our little feral friend who showed up during the coldest part of winter, and we put together a makeshift home for him with a pet heating pad so that he could stay warm. It was an odd looking arrangement. It was a box that was bubble wrapped inside another box with our grill cover on top and all this was heated with a special heating pad for cats along with an occasional hot water bottle on extra cold nights.   I put my hand inside it, and it was nice and cozy.  I think this cat appreciated it.   He had no choice.  He could not go anywhere because of the snow and extreme cold.

Cat in Snow

It’s put away, but Muffin remains. He absolutely hates our cats, Chrissy and Sweetie Pi. They cannot come outside because he terrorizes them. He comes up to the window and punches it with his paw. Redneck cat.

However, he doesn’t hate all cats. He brought one home with him last week.  She’s playing hard to get.  She’s a pretty thing, but I have a sneaky suspicion that she is in the family way.   And it’s not Muffin’s as he is not able to do that.

Miss Lilly Walks Away

But love is strange.     They remind me of “the Lawman” and “Miss Lilly” who sang at the Birdcage in Western Land television.    Our cowboy, Muffin, has fattened up a little in the months he’s been here but he’s still rough around the edges, but he has a sweet spot for someone.

Muffin Walking to Miss Lilly

They enjoy a little sip of milk together..

Muffin and Lilly

Maybe pull in a little closer.  “It’s nice to graze her whiskers.” says Muffin.

Jaw to Jaw

Cats are supposed to be solitary, but I have learned by watching Muffin and Lilly.   They occasionally lay just close enough to one another to touch.  I don’t have a picture, so you’ll just have to trust me.   I’ve also seen her lick him.  Once.

Everyone needs someone, and I’m glad Muffin has found his Lilly.   She’s going to have surgery in a few days unless someone on Swinging Bridge Road reads this and claims her.

So In Love

And of course, this one…the one that rides around in the truck with us now…is so interested in this whole affair.    River has not harmed the cats but if they run, he chases them and a terrible scolding ensues.    He’s learning.  Still, I think I heard him say…

River Eats Chicken


He is such a spoiled rotten dog.



Bandana Covered Seat Cushions

I have company staying in the guesthouse this weekend, and it has a very nice deck on the back which most people enjoy sitting on and eating or drinking coffee. There is a cute little table out there that is perfect for this.

Outdoor table

But the chairs are hard. I usually have cushions on them. But…the cushions are in pretty bad shape. In fact, I had loaded two of them in the back of the truck for Mike to take the waste disposal station. I hate doing that…I have landfill guilt, but look at them…

Ugly Seat Cushions

Ugh. I looked on Target and Lowe’s to see if there was anything I liked that was cheap. It was serendipitous (don’t you love that word) that I read Kari Anne’s blog called Thistlewood Farms because she mentioned covering seat cushions with bandannas as part of her 4th of July decorations. I decided right then that I’d just cover my ugly cushions with the bandannas until I could find another solution.

I went to Walmart and bought 8 bandannas. They are $1 each. I had wanted to use yellow but there were not any. I opted for red thinking that if this didn’t work, my dog, River, would have 8 red bandannas to wear. In the clothing section, these were $1 but in the craft section, they were $.97. Strange.

Two Red Bandannas

Step One. Lay the ugly pillow on the new bandanna. These bandannas are 22 inches square.

Step One

Step Two. Lay the second bandanna on top.

Step Two

Step Three. Tie your corners.

Step 3

After tying your corners, you just need to work the sides a little and your covered seat pillow will look like this…

Cushion Redone

And doesn’t this table look much more comfortable and inviting with the bandanna covered pillows?

Chair With Cushions

I’ll bet there are lots of things you can do with bandannas. I’m going to Pinterest and find out!!


Happy Graduation Will Gobble!!

Happy Graduation to Will Gobble! Will is our neighbor’s son, and I’ve watched him grow up. He’s now graduating from Gate City High School! Where did the years go?

Will Gobble

When we started thinking about Adventure Mendota, we knew we’d need one person to help with the heavy lifting of these kayaks. That person would have to have good customer service skills and be certified in lifesaving. I told Mike that it was a shame that one of Angie Meadows’ sons was not interested as they live nearby!! At about that same time, Will Gobble sent an email saying he’d like to work here during the summer. Will is Angie’s son!!

We told him that we weren’t sure how much we’d need him. He said he was flexible.

We told him we’d need for him to get CPR/First Aid certification. He told us he’d already done that. He is a lifeguard in Kingsport.

We asked him if he had transportation to get here? That was a joke since he can walk.

Did he know anything about kayaking? Yes, he already had his own kayak.

I am not sure what we would do without Will Gobble working with Adventure Mendota.

Picture 14

We are looking forward to good things from Will as he evolves from high school student to college student to young adult. He will enter ETSU in the fall, and his career path is engineering. He plans to stay there for two years and then he will transfer to the University of Tennessee. He said he wants to live and work in this area…maybe live in Mendota because he loves the river.

Between his job at the Kingsport Aquatics Center and Adventure Mendota, he has not had a day off in at least a month.

Neth and Will

He’s kind. He loves his dog. And…he suggested that his mother should bring me a Peach Tea from Pal’s! What is not to love about this kid?
