Category Archives: Rural Life in Mendota

Daily adventures in a rural farming community.

An Ordinary Day Ends in Murder

Today started like an ordinary Saturday. I had cleaning to do, but prior to starting cleaning the kitchen, I caught up on making sugar water for my young hives. It’s always a bit messy to do a 1:1 sugar water for 16 quarts, so I do it before cleaning. If someone looked at my stash, they would think I was making moonshine. Moonshine in Mendota! I’m sure it’s been done.


I don’t mind cleaning. I was listening to music and singing. I cleaned the potrack and I took a picture of it. I can find things in pictures that I can’t see in the room. Potracks are no longer in style, but as my dear mother would say “who the hell cares.

Potrack with Plant

My potrack adds a certain charm to the kitchen.  My look at how orange my natural cherry cabinets look?   Must learn how to do better with lighting when taking indoor photographs !  Always so etching to learn.

Potrack View

Oh I do love a clean kitchen even if it appears orange in the pictures!

Kitchen 2

I get lots of questions about these red and yellow curtains. I’ve got just a little fabric left and when someone asks me about them, I mail them a swatch.


My day was going so well. I was channeling Donna Reed without the high heels, necklace, or hairdo. I decided to go out and pick some basil and do a little flower arrangement. I have lots of basil so I use it as flower filler as well as a herb.   This is when it happened. I saw the Japanese Beetles on my basil and my green beans. Look at the damage in the picture below. This was not present yesterday.

Damaged Green Bean

I hate them.  More damage.  Grrrr…

Green Beans 2

It is no wonder I have so many skunks. The skunks like grubs and before these Japanese beetles were flying, they were slugs in the ground  It’s war.   Murderous thoughts started in my head.  I had motive.  I had the bucket, the soapy water, and I had the desire for Beetle Blood.   I picked or shook them off into my bucket of sudsy water and watched them drown.  Did not even feel a tiny bit bad.

Beetle Juice

It’s dark at 2:40 am when I am writing this, but if I could see, I’d be out there checking to see if there’s any more.  I will drown everyone one.

Chickens love these things. I’ve decided I’m going to get some chickens.


Sam Is Skeered & Stuff

There has been lots of lightening flashes and big booms tonight in Poor Valley.  I felt like getting under the bed, but someone was already there.

Sam is Skeered

However, we are grateful for the rain. While Mendota is not as dependent on farming as we once were, we have a large dairy farm, a large cattle farm, a few farmers still growing our Burley tobacco, lots of small family farms, and most everyone has a garden. Many of us are on well water, and we just hate drought! Whew!  Simply put, as my friend, Joey Salyer, says during Sunday’s prayer “thank you, Lord, for the rain.”

The rain makes a garden spring to life.   This picture was taken on June 10.  (This is the great thing about this blog…I can track these things.)  Compare the picture below to the next picture.


The picture below was taken a few minutes ago…just ten days after that earlier picture…those Mountaineer Halfrunner Green Beans are on the loose!! Soon I’ll be picking green beans.

Green BEans

I may have planted those green beans too close, but it just doesn’t seem right to put about 16 beans in a raised bed and expect them to fill it up. However, that is the reality.

Yikes…my potatoes got some high wind and rain. They are laying down on the job.


And remember the side garden….it was like this not long ago.

Border of Side House

It’s exploded…gone whacko. There’s no rhyme or reason to what’s in there. The only common thread is that I didn’t pay full price for the plants. Some crazy lady stuck them in the dirt and forgot about them planted them. Oh wait..that’s me. And of course, there is my husband’s favorite flower still growing there. The dish. Ugh.

Side Garden


What a Night

Last night, I fell asleep about 2:00 am. Sometime shortly thereafter, Luckie barked at me. The poor baby was sick. She had terrible diahhrea. I got up and took her outside to see if there was anything left (there was), and then came back in and began cleaning. I had to rely on my nose more than my eyes because I didn’t have my contacts in. It was bad. She and I are exhausted this morning.

Sick Baby

She even declined our early morning walk to check on what grows overnight. This is our special time. The birds are so noisy in the early hours. She misses them since she can no longer hear, but I tell her about them with my hands, my mind, my eyes and my heart. She connects.

RiverCliff in Fog

I’ve grown a lot of succulents this year as they are going to see some wedding action in about a week. The floral designer, Ms. Heidi, knows she can take them all if she needs them.

Shoe 1

There was an old weed
That lived in a shoe
That had so many chicks>
She didn’t know what to do.

Pair of Boots

Those boots belonged to Randy Powers.  Randy is my friend, my cousin, a retired Navy man, a musician, a restaurant operator, a father, husband and grandfather, and he’s a pastor.  I love him and his boots!   What a sweet gift this old pair of boots have been.  They’ve been around here for years now.  Last year, they got a little fancier.  If Heidi uses the succulents in the boots, then I’ll add some flowers again.

Shoe Flower 2

This is my “Hello Stranger” tomato.  It was given to us by a stranger.  We don’t know what it is, but it’s doing well in the five-gallon bucket.

Tall tomato

The kindess of a stranger.  I hope you receive some kindness from someone today, and better yet, perhaps give some.  It’s important.

Thank you for reading RiverCliff Cottage.


Bedroom Redo With Quilts

I have a lot of quilts, and I make sure they are all used.   When I considered the color for the bedroom redo (Bedroom posted here), I wanted to make sure I could use all my quilts.     In the summer, a quilt and a sheet is what I like on my bed.

Here’s an old blue and yellow quilt that I put on the bed today.  The duvet cover was just to hot for this time of year.  The quilt will be much cooler.

Bed With Quilt

Although…I do like the look of the duvet better. It has a puffy softness that beckons me to climb in. Unfortunately, once I got in there this past week, I started to sweat.

Master Bedroom 5

This will work much better for a while.

Bed With Quilt 2

This quilt just came in from the clothesline. I like the faded fabric. It’s hard to find quilts large enough to fit this bed as it’s a California King. Quilts from Pottery Barn always work.

Quilt  up close

And…the underside of the quilt has a print which makes it nice. Oh whoops…can you see that the old duvet is lying in the floor?

Items on the Floor


Master Bedroom Done

As I’ve been refreshing the Master Bedroom, I’ve been showing off this side…that side…of my redo.  I kept one side back because I imagined a white slipcovered chair and ottoman with this pretty throw casually thrown across the chair.  I realized today that Luckie has some say so on this.

Luckie:  “Mama..that’s not going to happen.”    She likes her denim bed…she adores the box fan blowing on her (even though there is both a ceiling fan and air conditioning running most of the time).  The chair would get in her pathway.  She only tolerates the ottoman which I guess I’ll drag back upstairs.

Master Bedroom 3

That’s okay…the room is not perfect but I like it. It’s so much better than it was.

Here’s what it looks like coming into the bedroom, and I promise there are never clothes on the floor. The bed is always made up. The room is always clean. Seriously. I can’t believe how clean it looks.

Master Bedroom 1

Here’s another…

Master Bedroom 5

I redid the end table…

Bedroom 1

I had paint left over and Mike fixed me a little thing to hang necklaces off of in the bathroom…this is just an old picture frame.

Picture Frame Jewelry

Up close…

Necklace Thing

The bedroom will change when Luckie is no longer with us and that won’t be that far off, but for now, it is done. She’s just too precious to upset.


A Day In Mendota Virginia

Yesterday, I worked all day and I’ll go back in for a few hours on Friday, but for the remainder of this week — Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday– I’m not leaving Mendota. It’s not as easy as if I’d said “I’m not leaving Bristol.” It means my meals are planned and my activities or what I want to accomplish this week is considered because there is no store here. I have what is in my house or what my neighbors will loan if I run short. Here’s what my typical stay-at-home day looks like…it starts early….usually at around 6:00 am.

I water in the mornings, and there is the constant dead heading of flowers. I know…it’s hard.


About 10 am, as I hung out laundry. I could hear kids playing in the river.   They are skipping rocks, splashing and fishing. Sounds nice.

River BAnk

Do you agree….


Back at the garden…I check on the half runner green beans. These beans have been fighting insects from the day they sprouted, but they are holding their own…with no outside help except water and healthy soil. Mike placed tobacco sticks in an “X” pattern on the top of each bed. We’ll tie those down, and they will be what the beans climb around.


Remember my strawberry-lavender jam? I told you I used culinary or food grade lavender? Did I tell the truth or did it come from my garden? Hmmm…


When the beekeepers gathered to share sugar for our bees, one man brought his extra tomato plants. The kindness of a stranger…and it’s doing well.


Speaking of bees, the swarm I caught is doing well. It’s been a concern because of the lack of activity going in and out of the hive, but a peek inside a few weeks ago showed plenty of brood, so the queen has been working. Finally, the bees have hatched out and I’m seeing them although not in this picture.  They are all out gathering.   Whew. I love my bees.

No 2 Swarm

Some things just grow better from seed, and cucumbers are one of those some things. Mine are growing in a bucket. I need to keep them on the move away from cucumber beetles, so I thought I’d give this a try. I’ll keep you posted on how this is workng.


Basil is another thing that grows easily from seed.


If you live in town, you can grow a garden of your own with a raised bed, a few buckets and some want to. It is not even hard work.

However, for in the country is No. 1!!

Board Picture


Master Bedroom More Progress Again!

We finished painting the bedroom last week.  It took forever, and Mike still is not happy with the way the paint rolled on the walls, but I’m so over that.   Who cares if it is not perfect?     Last week, I could not wait to have something “put together” in this room, and I showed you one completed side of the room in an earlier post. It’s here if you haven’t seen it. I’ve now got the other side of the room put together.

I wanted a restful retreat.    My high school friend, Linda Godfrey, has a “Restful Retreat” board on her Pinterest page.   I think that is a perfect description of what a bedroom should look like.  Some of the pictures she pinned to her board were my inspiration…especially when I decided on blue for the walls.    Here’s the bed….with its duvet cover and pillows.

Bedroom 2

Remember the end table that showed up in the  picture below?

Master Bedroom Paint 1

I am still using the end table, but I didn’t want to keep the color.  It’s got a new chalk-style paint finish and a new lamp.   Do you like the little turtle?  I thought it was appropriate since I’ve been so slow putting this room back together.

Bedroom 3

Here’s a close up of the little turtle.  Mike’s son made it in elementary school.  I’ve meant to give it to him, but I haven’t done so yet.  I will.  One day.

Bedroom 4 Turtle

I stepped back a bit to take this picture.  I had to be careful or you’d see the last side of the room that is still not put together.   Do you recognize the quilt in the picture?  If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you know it’s the 2013 Mendota Cemetery Quilt.   How I love that quilt and the sweet man (and his wife) who gave it to me.    Receiving such a gift is one of the wonders in my world.

Bedroom 1

I’ve got one more side of this room to finish and then I’ll have the whole room done!


Jammin’ With Strawberry Rhubarb

Do people up north eat rhubarb?   When I lived there, I never heard the word rhubarb, but you can’t rely on my judgement.  I’m so influenced by Southern life that when I attended college (as an adult mind you)  and the professor asked what the most common religion was in America, I raised my hand and said “Baptist.”   (As most of you know, I was wrong.)

Back to rhubarb… I’ve never heard anyone speak about strawberry rhubarb pie anywhere but…!      Strawberry-rhubarb pie is a prize in Southwest Virginia!    My grandmother, like most of her contemporaries living in Mendota at the time, had a rhubarb patch.     She warned us, “never eat those leaves.”   I have been thinking about her, and I decided to make some strawberry rhubarb jam, but I had difficulty finding rhubarb.   I knew I could get it at the Abingdon Farmer’s Market, but the main market is on Saturday; and on Wednesday, I wanted to get started.   I finally found it at Food City….just  a few of the red rhubarb stalks for $3.53, but I was glad to get them.

Based on this apparent rhubarb shortage, I decided to plant some rhubarb.  I got my plants at Lowe’s.    My little patch will have four plants. That’s enough for my needs.   They seem to like living out by the barn, and I can water and watch over them as I water my blueberries, potatoes, green beans, etc.    My stalks are tiny in the picture below, but fully developed rhubarb stalks look like beet-red celery.   You can sprinkle sugar on the stalks for a crunchy, tart treat.    And…as my grandmother said,  “Never eat those leaves,”  because...well, they’ll kill ya!  They are poisonous.


I worked that comment about my blueberries, potatoes, green beans, etc. so I could, once again, show you the raised beds.  Anyone considering gardening should consider raised beds.  They are the best!   I took this picture about one week ago.   How ’bout them taters?”   We are abundantly blessed in rural Southwest Virginia.  Beyond the garden, you’ll see a line of white flowers…those are my blackberries.  Behind the blackberries further up on the ridge, there is a huge patch of raspberries.  The only challenge with these berries is the competition with the turkeys.   They love berries, too.

Potatoes and Blueberries

Back to strawberry-rhubarb jam…I used the traditional recipe for strawberry jam (minus the lavender) (posted here), but in this case, I first chopped up two cups of rhubarb and then added enough crushed strawberries to make 3 and 3/4 cups of the combined crushed strawberries and the chopped rhubarb mixture.

I love the rich red mixture.  Strawberry jam is so sweet and the rhubarb adds a bit of tartness.

Strawberry Rhubarb

For those of you who yet to try food preservation, please try it.   Making simple jams is a great way to get started.  After making one successful batch, you’ll be hooked.  So pretty and a great gift.

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

And look at this, the cherries are here!    They are so happy and cheerful, but I am not sure whether I’ll bother picking them.   You are welcome, birds!




Progress on the Master Bedroom (But Not Done)

When I watch tv shows where a house undergoes a “redo” in a day, I feel like such a loser.    I started painting days ago, and while the room is now painted, I haven’t got it back together.   This picture was taken on May 22.  It’s May 30.  No we’re not done.

Bedroom 1

We just got it painted yesterday which was May 29.   We haven’t put the stuff back.  Here’s the bed with all the junk on it that I”m using to clean the room.  I’ll be sleeping with that Windex.


Have you ever done something and then doubted yourself? Maybe you became unsure? I do that most of the time, but not this time. I love this bedroom now that it’s blue.  Before I painted,  didn’t want to clean it or enter it. I just ignored it most of the time when it was the horrible cold coffee brown color.

Everything looks so much better with the new paint…these sheers have been there forever, but today, they look fresh to me. I washed them and pulled them out of the dryer and put them on the curtain rod. That curtain rod has an interesting history. It’s really a pipe that Mike got at my True Love’s a few years back for 34 cents per foot.  We stuck fenials on the pipe, but I can’t remember where we got them.


I wanted a few things above the bureau.  It has a mirror but I don’t like it.    The two pictures are from our days with Nortel. Mike worked out of Calgary, Alberta, and Nortel was nice enough to fly me up several times (obviously before we had dogs). We stayed at Banff Springs Lodge and hiked around Lake Louise.  The upper picture is the lodge and the bottom picture is Lake Louise.   I purchased these prints on that trip. The chalkboard that says “light of the moon” is a reminder of one of Mike’s first observations about Mendota. “It’s so dark…the only light is from the moon!” When I have to spend the night away from here, I’m very aware of the traffic, noise and lights. I prefer to sleep where there are only the stars and the moon to illuminate the way.

Three pictures

Here they are on the wall…Love Love Love this blue.

Bedroom Wall

One project begats another project.  See the blue table I did last year pictured below?  It was an Annie Sloan project.   It’s going to be white in a day or two.   I think it will look really pretty against the blue. I also replaced the lamp.

Master Bedroom Paint 1


I’ll show you when I get all through.


That Poor Valley Mud

It has been beautiful in our river valley for the past few days. Low humidity…sunshine. Everything is growing.

Potatoes and Blueberries

If you’ve followed my blog, you’ve heard me mention… “Once you’ve got that Poor Valley mud on your boots, you can’t  wipe it off.” You’ll always want to come back.     Please travel around our area with me and enjoy a few of the pictures I’ve taken in the past 24 hours.  As I look at them, I think that it’s true — you can’t wipe the Poor Valley mud off.     Or maybe you just won’t want to! The hayfield below….I can show you a picture, but I wish I could share the smell.   Hay Bales Quilts…this quilt was won this morning by Darius Hall at today’s Mt. Vernon UMC Homecoming.   It was donated by Linda Nunley.   Her stitches, love and fabric selections helped raise over $1600 for the Mt. Vernon Cemetery.   Thank you Linda.  Congratulations Darius.   Quilt Darius Won

We were all happy that someone we knew won the quilt.  However, Fern Salyer and I were also hoping that Dixie Hall of Franklin, Tennessee (and sometimes Maces Springs) would win as this Memorial Day weekend is Dixie and Tom T.’s  birthday weekend.  Dixie and Tom always support Mt. Vernon and our quilt sales efforts, and we love them!    Maybe next year!   I took a picture of Fern as she has something to say to Dixie and Tom….

Fern for Tom T and Dixie

In southern, rural America…places like where I live…there’s a blur between families and church families.    There’s an intimacy in worshiping together as well as living near one another and sharing  lives.     You should hear our “prayer and praise” list.   We gathered yesterday at Mt. Vernon’s picnic shelter  to celebrate Emmie’s first birthday …here she is.

Emmie 18

While we were having birthday fun,  a film crew arrived to work on a documentary.   Since our church has ties to the Carter Family, this wasn’t as unusual as you might think.   We figured out how we could work, party and film together.    We invited them to the birthday party and then to Homecoming on Sunday morning.     They accepted, and we so enjoyed them.

Film Crew At Table

Some of the film crew were Scotch Irish, and guess what?  So are we!!    We compared our light eyes…light skin…discussed sunburns.   We discovered that the largest difference was in timing…we arrived across the pond a little sooner (a few generations ago) and our accents are no longer quite the same.   I asked this pretty young lady to pose with Dale Jett.    They compared accents…here’s how Dale summed it up:

Dale and Friend 2

I think the film crew might have gotten some Poor Valley mud on their feet.     Dale, Teresa and Oscar sang for them (and us) this morning.   I couldn’t get Teresa in the picture from where I was sitting.    I was listening….“I’m going where there’s no depression.”     Lyrics and sounds that travel across generations.

Great Depression

After church…we went for a drive….you know what we were doing…have you ever got behind someone just barely moving down the road?  That was us.  We usually say “it’s those Tennessee drivers” but today, it was Mike and me and I was taking pictures.  Sorry!  It was another opportunity to pick up some more Poor Valley mud.   It’s rampant. What do you see below?  Do you see lovely small white flowers?   If you do, you’re not  from around here, and we need to have a lesson!   If you live in the Southern Appalachians…in what we call Mendota…Hiltons…or Poor Valley… you don’t really see the flowers on this vine.   You see future blackberries!  Blackberry cobbler!   Blackberries in the freezer!  Blackberry jam!   It’s going to be a great year for blackberries…they are everywhere!   Another rich blessing…another reason to pick up another piece of that Poor Valley mud.


We drove a little further, and Mike said “you’re going to love this” as he spotted the quilt square in the picture below before I did.   I do not know these people but I ran right up in their yard and took a picture.   A new quilt square!   I knew that if the homeowners came out, we’d end up being pals!  I love quilt squares, and I am  an enthusiastic, crazy for, in love with the idea, a supporter of the Mendota Trail.  In fact, I’m certain we’d be best friends!


Quilt Square Thank you for visiting RiverCliff Cottage.  Did you get any mud on your boots?
