Category Archives: Rural Life in Mendota

Daily adventures in a rural farming community.

Garden Day May 28 2018

It is Memorial Day and since the river was not suitable for kayaking, Mike and I had “Garden Day!”   It started at 7:00 am.     Like all “Garden Days” we have, it began with a trip to Home Depot or Lowe’s.  We go more to Home Depot than we do Lowe’s since Lowe’s moved from Exit 7.   We had to get some mulch for the back yard.

My back yard has been a source of great enjoyment or great neglect depending on what I’m doing during the summer.  This summer I believe, even though we’ll be kayaking ALOT, it will be a source of great enjoyment!   Here’s what I’ve been doing.

I cleaned my fence a few weeks ago.  It was filthy with mildew.   I did a blog post about how I do that a few years ago; and surprisingly, a lot of people–oh okay one or two– have sent me emails thanking me.  I am serious.  Really!!!   Apparently, there are people who do not live in an area where they must fight mildew each spring and are not as experienced as we Mendotians!!   Here’s the post called “Cleaning Your Vinyl Fence.”

Since I’ve never mastered weedeating, Mike came behind me yesterday and weedeated the border garden area.  It left me with sort of a blank slate.   I’m intermingling green beans, green peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers in this back yard.  The cukes are going in a pot on the stairs.  And flowers everywhere.

One of the problems with our back yard is that it is fenced in for the pets so it has to meet their needs first.   It keeps skunks out, and it provides us an easy way to let River out to use the “facilities.”   The funny thing is that he will not poop in this yard.  He refuses.  Dr. D’Amato’s place which is just up the road?  Now, there’s a good place to poop!! 

While I want it to meet their needs, I also want it to look nice.   Here’s one of the problem areas.  River has dug himself a bit swath to lie in during the evening when he goes outside to sleep.  He loves to sleep for a few hours out in the back yard.

So..for me to have anything back there that looks decent, it’s going to have to have a trellis protecting it or be in a pot.    I’ve got green beans planted out there … an heirloom pole bean that will grow up the bamboo trellis I made.  I don’t put mulch around seedlings.   Behind the  green beans, I planted cosmos and a few zinnias.   I think the small bamboo trellis’ will be enough to deter River from messing around over there.

I’ve even got the Foxglove protected by topiary things.  River would love to roll on these.  Not happenin’ little buddy!

Got these labels to put in the ground.  This reminds me what is a weed and what is flower, and it also lets me know if someone decides to dig around and move stuff.   River isn’t my only digger.  I have cats.   Z is for Zinnia.  PB is for Pole Bean.   C is for Cosmos.

See how well they work?

Lots of hanging baskets this year.   This is a bleeding heart.   $10.99 at Cecil’s Market!  I think I’m going to have to figure out a way to repot this thing.

I went back in the barn and found a bunch of baskets that I bought TEN YEARS ago.  The one in the picture below that is in the center is one of them.    I planted Black Eyed Susie seedlings in them.  They’ll be pretty this summer. 4

Here’s the seedlings…soon they will climb all over that basket with happy yellow flowers with brown eyes.

I’ve got a lot of New Guinea Impatiens.   I’ve been finding the best selection at Walmart.   These are planted right outside my steps and apparently snails don’t bother them.  It’s a good thing because there are a zillion snails out on the patio at night.   I used to stomp them, but a physician friend gave me a new perspective and I allowed them to live; but then this year, because they ate my basil, I went back to stomping them.

And here are the succulents I’ve repotted.  I am selling these at Adventure Mendota for $2.50 per pot.    I think Mike thinks no one will buy them.  Bet he’s wrong.   I’ve got about 20.  So when I’m $50 richer, he’ll be sorry!

And I love these little pot stands I found at Walmart for under $4 each.   They will keep the pesky snails away from my pots.   Those green plants you see below are Mandevilla that I over wintered.  They look healthy but where the heck are the blooms?   They’d better get busy are they will find themselves in the compost pile.    Did ya hear that ya lazy girls!?!

Hope you and your family are having a great Memorial Day!!





My KIVA Adventure!

I’m part of a five-person team rolling out KIVA – crowd sourced lending with zero interest — in Southwest Virginia.  I woke up this morning and I am 52 percent toward my goal of raising $9,000.    For any of you that have contributed (not donated–KIVA is a loan so you will be repaid), thank you.

Here’s my KIVA story…

It has been a real adventure.   Look at my hair at the podium.  It was so hot.  I was sweating.  This was at the 2018 Southwest Virginia Economic Forum at UVA Wise.

Helping any of the five KIVA participants in Southwest Virginia is helping Southwest Virginia as we reinvent our economy.   If this works, and I believe it will — although I’d recommend a smaller loan than $9,000.00 — we’ll have a tool that will enable a small loan for someone who might not otherwise be able to get that loan.  Perhaps they are needing a commercial mixer for their cupcake business ran from their home; maybe they need a new piece of equipment for a home cleaning business, etc.    Lenders to KIVA are people who are interested in finding a way to make the world a better place.

Everyone should be able to earn a decent living.   KIVA is just another tool in our toolbox.


All I Need Is Sweet Tea

National Tourism Week was last week and this week, Mike and I had commitments everywhere.   (We own a small kayak company if you are reading this and do not know us.)    This afternoon, however, I took some time and washed the mildew off our vinyl fence and then started washing the house.  We live on the river and mildew is always present in the spring and summer.  However, since we have vinyl siding, it’s a pretty simple process of just spraying it off with a bleach/water solution.   I also cleaned the porch and decided to take a few pictures.  These pictures are so small when I entered them in the blog.  Ouch!  Sorry!

Just a swingin’.   See that puddle under the swing?   That porch is clean!!!   I love the bridal veil hanging basket.  Those were just $10.99 at Cecil’s Market in Bristol, VA.  I went crazy and bought five.

And here’s one of those $14 chairs from Lowe’s.   Honestly, sometimes plastic is just better.  We can scrub this and stack this and so on.    Want to know about those cute pillows?  They were $13.99 at Tractor Supply.   I am trying not to buy junk, but I had to have these.   The girl in line in front of me said “you could make them!”  I told her “no, I cannot, and I sure cannot for $13.99.”   Obviously she mistook me for someone who can sew well.

And here’s some of my pretty hanging plants…that sad little center basket has seedlings that I stuck in old, old hanging baskets that were in a corner of the barn.  They have been in there for YEARS!    I reached down and picked  them up with some trepidation because I was worried a snake would be curled.  I think once the seedlings take off, however, they’ll actually look pretty.  At least I’m trying.

I sure like my plants.  Look at that clean, yellow vinyl.

I was in Michael’s and saw fake succulents that look so real.   Sorry, I’m not buying.  The real ones are so easy and they breed and grow like crazy.  Real is definitely better in this case.  Besides they are FREE!

And basil?  I love basil.  This basil came from Walmart (Yes, I am a Walmart Woman.)   However, there are tiny little seedlings in the pot that will join their Walmart counterpart.

I hope I can start posting here more.  I actually need to revamp this as just a blog roll on the RiverCliff Cottage AirB&B I’m going to do.  However, that has been slowed down as a SKUNK died near the HVAC and we didn’t know it for a few days.  This has left RiverCliff Cottage with a unique smell that not everyone will appreciate.  I’ll be going over and airing that out this weekend.

Thank you for stopping by.


Dark Days of Winter

I love snow.  I hate winter.  We have no snow, so I am hating winter.

I have spent more time than I should on Pinterest and decided I need a new kitchen.  It’s not going to happen — at least not for a year or two.  I have had a white kitchen and the cabinets turned yellow, but that was 20 years ago.  I assume things are much better now.   At any rate, I want a lighter kitchen.  At the same time, I’m grateful for the kitchen I’ve had for the past 19 years.

But…at this time of year, I am always a little down.   I’m very busy so that helps but still….yucky.    I normally turn to organizing, but I don’t even want to do that.   What does cheer me up are green plants.    I so miss Evergreen Garden Center’s Bristol location.  I used to walk through the greenhouse during the winter and enjoy the way it felt, smelled and looked.

I started moving plants into the kitchen.    The first thing I did is have Mike put these two small shelves up.  I got them at Lowe’s, and while they can’t hold more than about 10 pounds, I like that they are “floating” and you can’t see the hardware.

I did not mean to leave River’s picture there, but there it is.  I took the old sifter that reminds me of the grandmother I am named after and put a plant in it.    I put an old mixer that also reminds me of her beside it.

Now, when I walk by it, I think of her.  She always smelled so good because she had a “bubby” bush and she kept the dried bubby flowers in her apron pocket.

Put some plants on the cabinet.  I’ve been rotating them with others in the house so they don’t start to look “poorly” as it’s not the best location for them.

Made a little vignette in the corner and put a plant there as well.

The Sweetest Girl Ever DeeDee got me those little piggy salt and pepper shakers from Magolia Market.   I love them.  I think of her every time I go get dog food from that jar.  The little house plant makes me happy as well.  Here’s a close up.


Here’s something else I finally put on the wall.   Neth made me this clock during his freshman year at college.  Two years ago!!

I love it.

These are the worst pictures ever.

I even put plants in my pot rack.  Pot racks are out of vogue for the moment, but I still have mine.    My kitchen isn’t bright like I want it but it is warm and friendly.

I’m feeling better just looking at those houseplants!!!   Does winter make you BLUE, too?


January Weather In Virginia

Our weather has been crazy lately.  Less than a week ago, we were right in the middle of multiple days of below freezing weather.   The river, which is low due to lack of rain, transitioned to a white popsicle.   She’s a “purty” thang!!

So that picture was on January 5, and this is the scene today in my backyard.    Today is January 9.   What you see on the clothesline is my mattress pad.  It was sunny and 60 so I hung it out to dry — and dry it did!!!  Weather in Southwest Virginia is always interesting!

It as so nice outside that I put my houseplants outside for some sunshine and a good watering.   These are a few of them.

I think they enjoyed it.   The taller of these plants is a Fiddle Leaf Fig.  Do you know how hard it is to find a Fiddle Leaf Fig in the Tri-Cities?   Once in a while Evergreen gets them, but I’ve never been able to get there in time to get one.   I called a couple of florists and they thought they could get one for me, but they never called back.   So…Amazon to the rescue.  I never dreamed that I could get a healthy house plant and get it from Amazon, but folks….it worked.  I took pictures of it the day it arrived but I can’t find them.  It was mid-August.  The plant has grown at least 12 inches since that time.   So, the lesson here is that even though it’s always best to shop local, sometimes you can’t.  When you can’t, Amazon does a fine job — even with houseplants.



North Fork On a Winter Day

We have had several days of below freezing temperatures…morning are 10 or 11 degrees with a colder wind chill.   Ouch.   My sweet boy, River, does not understand why we are not walking him twice per day.  River typically is walked three miles each day.   Mike has taken him a few of these mornings, but I have not.  I hate the cold.   We’ve been taking him to the dog park at Sugar Hollow.    He likes this, but he does not see it as a replacement.  He sees this as a possible addition to his daily regimine of all things being for River, but no..we have not been given a pass on the no walking thing that has been occurring.   The result is that he is getting lots of toys, attention, and yes, food.   Poor River.   Next Friday is a milestone.  River has been with us two years and has never been groomed.  That all changes when this little dog shetland pony goes for his appointment next week.

I took this picture of the North Fork in front of our house on Tuesday on my way to work at about 8:00 am.   The river had started to gather ice but there were darker spots where the water had no ice on top.

Here’s another picture of the same place in the river taken this morning.  We haven’t had any snow to speak of so this is all ice that is coating the water.  It’s not thick enough to walk on but it’s thick enough to be “interesting.”

Without snow, I am not liking winter.   Snow is magic.  This weather is just cold.   And there is no snow on the horizon, yet I look at pictures of my niece Lacy and she’s in Charleston throwing snowballs!!




Mendota Festival 2017

The Mendota Festival for 2017 was held this past weekend.   We started on Friday night with our beloved local musician, Oscar Harris, followed by the Poor Valley Girls.  About 100 people showed up for the performance.  They got a great show.    There is so much “heart” in these small festivals, and that heart extended to getting the stage ready for the performance.   Oscar’s wife, Katie, took an old stage in an old building and transformed it into a front porch set up for just a little pickin’ on a Friday night.   

Every front porch has to have some flowers to pretty it up and ours was no exception.

On Saturday, we had a breakfast prepared by Liz Kiser and her gang of helpers.  I manned a General Store that had all sorts of beautiful creations.  Most were made by Katie Harris and Dottie Dye.  Here’s a few of them…


I loved this tiger tailed tutu.    The tutus are for ages 2-5.  I don’t have a 2-5 year old to buy this for, but I’d like to!  I can imagine a little cat face painted on with this cute little tutu.

She had every color.  The green one was awfully sweet.  Most have  hair accessories to go with them.  Sometimes a wand as well.

Another…if you want one of these.  I can hook you up but you’d need to pay shipping.

How about a lady bug?

Or Christmas outfit.

Feeling blue?

I bought this for the About Face Bootox event in October.

Here’s another one.

There was a Mendota history room that was set up…very cool.   I’ll take you through it.   Here’s a nod to education.  At one time, Mendota was a center for education.   There’s a thread here…”at one time.”   I want that to change but that’s another subject for another time.

Our rural, farming roots…tobacco basket, milk churn, patchwork quilts…a sign for the Mendota General Store.  History.

Arts…creativity…shopkeepers.   On the second shelf is pottery made in Mendota.  It is believed to be Mort’s Pottery.   You can Google Mort’s Pottery and get the history.  There were several potters in the area because of our clay.

Here’s a closer picture of one of the pieces… and right below it you’ll see a pair of stockings priced at 50 cents from Faye’s Gift Shoppe.  She was my cousin, but I was instructed to call her “Auntie Faye” because of her age.   I loved to shop in her store.

Faces of Mendota…


A nod to the North Fork.  Hmmm…where are the kayaks?

The Masonic Lodge which is no longer in existence…this whole thing is beautiful, wonderful and sad at the same time.   In the picture below, you’ll see an old jar and some items in plastic.  That is a jar that was placed in a corner of the old Masonic Lodge building back in 1917.  It was discovered last year.

Churches of Mendota…

And there was a corner devoted to music…Oscar Harris, Bill Clifton, Dale Jett, the Carter Family…all threads of our heritage.   It’s behind the beautiful fan quilt.

And this quilt tho… I want this fan quilt.

Here’s some history about the fan quilt.

And others…

And others…

A more recent one…

Dottie Dye and Katie Harris put this room together.  Pretty awesome.  I cannot thank them enough.   They have such an eye for beauty and respect for history.  We are fortunate that they invested their time, talent and energy into getting this together.

Concurrent with the festival, the Washington County Public Library hosted a book sale in what I recall being the 5th or 6th grade room at Hamilton.   I still hold a grudge over this neighborhood school being closed.   We bus our little ones a long way in Washington County…or we send them to Scott County which is much more convenient.  Or we home school.

Here’s the ladies who manned the booksale.  Thank you!

This festival comes at an interesting time for Mendota.  We are at a crossroads on many things.   Funds that were raised by the festival will go toward paying for a Preliminary Architectural Report which will tell the story of what is required to make the community center and library a safe, warm, attractive place for our community.  Or not.   Perhaps it’s better to start over.

We do not yet know, but we are not afraid to dream.



September 13, 2017 After The Kayaking

Hello!  It’s me again.   As small business owners operating only about 100 days per year, we give it a lot while we are open.  Once closed, it’s easy to just sit back and do nothing or surf on the internet and waste time on social media.  Guilty.   However, we closed on Labor Day and it’s been over a week and I’m ready to make sure that the fall and winter are productive — not just in doing projects around the house, but productive in that we enjoy ourselves.

But, today was productive around the house.   I cannot recall when we last really cleaned our garage, but this blog can.  It was June 2013.   That’s not to say that we didn’t sweep etc. but to pull things out and clean behind them, well, we’ve not done as well as we should.   It looked so good back then…

I did a pretty good job labeling and putting things in place.  Did I keep them that way?  For a while, I did.  However, this morning while Mike was at the dentist, I walked out and took a hard look at the garage.  It looked bad.  I took these with my ipad.  That corner…it surfaced as a junk spot.   I hate that.

In serious need of decraptification.   I went through and sorted everything.  I did this by myself while Mike was at the dentist.  He came home anticipating a nap.  Instead, he found everything but the freezer and the two shelves out in the driveway.   Everything.    In addition, the sky was dark as if it was getting ready to rain.  Ouch!  Thankfully, he jumped in and helped, and thankfully, it did not rain.   One truckload went to the waste disposal station.   The rest was wiping items and determining what to do with them.    At 3:43 pm today, we came back in the house with a much cleaner garage.

One of the primary uses of this garage is storing my canning jars.  I did not can this summer, but I’m not giving it up.   Home canned items are tastier, and there is a special feeling in opening them up and thinking “I made this.”  Also, in a world where disasters are more common and sometimes the food supply chain is interrupted, it makes me feel safe.   So tease me and tell me I’m a prepper wannabe.  You are probably right!   At any rate, I have have lids, rings and jars on hand for next year.

Here’s how things ended up looking after all of our work.   Have you ever seen so much toilet paper?  I didn’t realize I’d got a little cray cray over toilet paper.   I like to have toilet paper and paper towels on hand at all times and I shop the sales, but I’m at over 50 rolls now.


Some things in the garage organization project of 2013 that really work well –using Sam’s Club boxes to “house” like things.

Another thing is the chalkboard.  We could never recall when the Waste Disposal Station was closed or open.  This works out so well.  Plywood, chalkboard paint, and four yardsticks!

Another thing that I love is having peg board to hold my grocery store bags and laundry basket and clothespins.  (I still dry clothes on the line in warm months.)    I assume most people like to use their own bags, but it’s very difficult to get out of the house without forgetting them.  Since I have them hanging right by the car door, it’s simple to grab and go.   The left side of the garage catches recycling, keeps cat litter easy to store and has my grocery story bags.   That has worked very well.    Mike wishes the floor looked better. I’m like…”it’s a garage.”  

So as I slide back into being busy after a week of being lazy, I’m going to bed with a clean garage.  Feels good my friend.   I felt so out of sorts this past week, but finishing something as reinvigorated me.   Did I tell you I no longer have honeybees?  Yes that is a bit of a loss.  I came across some honeybee stuff in the garage and felt a little sink.

Not having my little flying friends is a loss, but I think the thing that matters most to me is that life is full and has meaning.  I’m 61.   I don’t have to impress everyone or be liked by everyone, but I need to like myself.   And I do.  

My fall and winter is going to be focused on doing some work for About Face, going on several mini vacations with Mike, continuing to organize and clean my house, getting the guesthouse ready to operate as an Air B&B next summer, updating this website and my Adventure Mendota website, finishing up a quilt I recently started and learning some new things.   Since I get more done when I blog, I’m going to blog even if no one reads it!

And in the late spring, well, it’s be all about this again…




Mendota Flooding Part I

We have had two full days of rain following an already rainy week here in Mendota, Virginia.   The North Fork of the Holston has “just had it” and is getting ready to flood.   I called this Mendota Flooding Part I because no doubt when I wake up tomorrow morning, the river will be in the roads.

Here’s some pictures.   Standing on Civil Drive looking at the Mendota Bridge.

And here’s another look…

Civil Drive was flooded, but this actually happens frequently.  No biggie here.

Standing on the bridge looking forward to the community of Mendota.   Clinch Mountain is covered in fog.

And then there’s this…looking back toward Civil Drive.

Driving down Mendota Road where creeks are going crazy…this is at Katie and Oscar Harris’ house.

Water running off of Clinch Mountain…too much for the culvert to handle.

These swinging bridges are vulnerable if the water keeps rising, which it’s suppose to do.

River bank…

Adventure Mendota’s dock.   It may hold…it may not.  We just do the best we can.

I’ll take more tomorrow!!
