Ice on the North Fork in Scott County, Virginia

It’s been another cold night in Mendota. I’ve just checked on my honeybees, and I still don’t know anything definite. (See post here where we’ve been trying to keep them from freezing.) It doesn’t look good, though. Three dead bees were lying in the opening. I removed them and stuck a small stick inside to see if I could arouse the guard bees to come out. Nothing. I’ll return this afternoon as it continues to warm. Needless to say, I am very sad if they have all died. I did everything I could do, and yet they have not survived. What are we-you and I and others–going to do if our honeybees continue to struggle?

On a happier note, a few weeks ago I received a package in the mail. It had traveled all the way from the Netherlands. Flory, my niece’s childhood friend and the daughter of my friend Tineke, has learned to knit. In a pay it forward kindness that circulated on email last year, she made me this shawl. Flory, you are extremely talented and you have made me very happy.

My Shaw
I love the rich earth tones….you can see it better in this picture.   Sorry about the holey jeans…I’ve got leggings on underneath them.

My Shaw 2

My shawl, my dogs and my husband and I bundled up for a drive. I had Flory and Amanda (another one of my niece’s friends) on my mind as we drove and I wanted to take pictures from their home in Virginia. Amanda is a Scott County girl, and Flory lived in Washington County, Virginia but ran with the Scott County girls! Here ya go girls!

We stopped at Dennis Dean’s property which is known as “Big Bend” since the river does a loop and almost meets itself. The ice backed up as it met the curve.Big Ben 1

Here’s another…

Big Ben 2

The ice meeting sounds like a “Freezie” machine in a convenience store. I took a very brief video so you could listen to it!

Once futher into Scott County, we pulled over and took a picture in front of the Humprey’s Farm in Hiltons. The North Fork looks like glass…

Humphrey's Farm

Went up to Lunsford’s Mill. I wish the Lunsford’s Mill restoration would resume. I’d swing a hammer.



Lunsford's Mill Falling Down

Look at the old turbines (below)…this had a sign that was falling off that said Lunsford’s Grocery.  Someone had plans for this mill and little store.  I wonder what happened?

Lunsford's Grocery

We drove a little further and I spotted a quilt barn!   How have I missed this?   I love it!!

Quilt Barn

Scott County author and teacher Ann Goode Cooper passed away last year. I’ll bet she received a lot of inspiration living on the North Fork.

Ann Cooper Home

And a bit further… see the big ripple where there is a rock formation under the water. This is a canoe flipper for sure when the water is rushing.

Ripple in the Water

I’ll let you know more about my bees later.



Freezing in Mendota, Virginia!

It is cold here today.  We were -2 last night, and the high temperature today was 14.   Since our house sits near the river, we’re actually warmer than most spots in Southwest Virginia. In geography, that would be called the “maritime influence.” Through some miracle, we did not lose power last night. Thank goodness.

My neighbor, Marck Dean,  took some very cool pictures of the North Fork. Looks a little nippy. Wouldn’t it be fun to have a Mendota Polar Plunge? That’s a fundraiser we might try!

North Fork 1

Luckie went outside today. You have to dress for this weather. She wore her blue Polartec.

Luckie Wearing PolerTek Dog Wear

She asked Gracie if she wanted to go. Gracie said no. No.darn.way. I like my couch.

Gracie on the couch

Gracie also said “Luckie you’ve lost your mind. Look at the North Fork! It’s very pretty, but it’s got icebergs.”

North Fork 3

Sam the Cat joined in the conversation. He said “*!&%” and “I like my chair!” He added…

Sam Kidding

And although Luckie reminded everyone that the river really is pretty today…

river curve

No one wanted else wanted to go.

Chrissy Tables It

Do you think there will be lots of babies 9 months from now?

We’re all staying in and staying warm tonight here at RiverCliff Cottage. I hope your water keeps running, your heat pump keeps pumping and your animals are safe and warm.


Honeybees and a Harsh Virginia Winter

If you’re reading this from Virginia on January 6, 2014, you are joining me on the coldest day we’ve had in many, many years.   We have a low predicted tonight in Southwest Virginia ranging from -1 to 4 degrees.   My cats step outside, shiver and run right back inside.  While they don’t normally use “indoor facilities”, they are pleased to have that option today.

What about the honeybees?   This Artic blast of winter is not typical for Virginia.  While my honeybees have a wind barrier from the barn and they get morning sunshine, this only gives them so much protection.   Someone asked me if I could move them to the barn.  Nope, the hives are a stacked arrangement and must stay in one place.  However, yesterday, Gerald and I decided that we had to do something to give additional protection and insulation.   So…we wrapped the hives in bubblewrap left over from holiday mail shipments.  Merry Christmas honeybees! Necessity is the mother of invention.

We left the opening (it’s only about 1/2 inch opening) for their coming and going and to get air inside the hive, but the remaining exterior is wrapped in bubble wrap taped into place with duct table.   It looks a little strange…

Beehive Winterized in Bubble Wrap

The white part of the hive you see in the picture is completely covered in bubble wrap. The trash bag is on top of the hive and taped across the bubble wrap. If it rains, the trashbag provides a “tent” of protection so water doesn’t get down under the bubblewrap. Genius. I know.

Bee Hive 2

And notice the top of the hive. What is that you may ask? The Artic blast is bringing wind gusts which could tear apart the whole bubble wrap/trash bag protection system, so for additional protection, there is one heavy bag of mulch on each hive — which also provides additional insultation to keep heat inside the hive. I might just become an architect!

We’ll leave this on for the next few day until temperatures return to normal winter temperatures.

Onto other things…check out the beautiful winterberries in my backyard. It’s so nice to have color in the landscape during this time of year.

Winterberry By the Fence

And a few for the table.

Red Berries in Winter

Stay warm!!


Shabby Chic Diaper Cake

I was up until 3:30 am last night thinking about things I want to do.   First on my list was another diaper cake.  My Mendota gal pal, DeeDee, is having a baby shower for her sister-in-law with a shabby chic theme.    I’m so excited to contribute this Shabby Chic Diaper Cake!

Shabby Chic Diaper Cake

These are so easy. If you have an opportunity to make one, you should give it a try. You will need:

1) A base for your diaper cake to sit on. You might gift wrap cardboard if you don’t have a base handy.

Cake Pan Thing

2) Diapers!! For this small diaper cake of two tiers (the 3rd tier is a receiving blanket), 50 or 60 diapers will be enough. Instructions I’ve seen suggest using two sizes of diapers–smaller ones for the second tier and larger ones for the base tier–but this adds to the expense and doesn’t seem to be necessary. Once the cake is disassembled, the diapers will probably all end up in a Walmart bag where the new mama will “fish” around and grab one. She’s not going to have time to check if it’s a Size 0 or a Size 1. See! I’m saving money and helping little mama out!


3) You’ll need rubber bands to roll up your diapers. I made sure I had the same size rubber band for each diaper so that they were eveningly “scrunched.” I learned this from my first diaper cake. You’re “ready to roll” (literally) at this point!

Diaper Wrapped in Rubber Band

Use white diapers if at all possible. I accidentally have boy diapers. Ugh…these are for worms and snails and puppy dog tails. No!! I wanted a diaper for sugar and spice and everything nice!! However, I managed to work through this by folding them in such a way the tiny blue bear is hidden. Sorry little mama!

4) An anchor for your circle of diapers is needed. A baby bottle works really well. The picture below is not from this Shabby Chic Diaper Cake. It was from my first one where I had all different colors and sizes of rubber bands. I was still learning…definitely diaper inexperienced! (This was three days ago when I was a young, inexperienced diaper cake maker. Now…well, I’m feeling like a pro!)

Bottom Layer

5) You’ll need a giant rubber band to hold all of these diaper together. The rolled up diapers are like herding cats!

Pink Rubber Band

6) And the fun part…decorating your diaper cake. Gather all your pretties together.

Shabby Chic Diaper Cake Decor

I used fabric to cover my first and second tiers. Because I was going for a shabby chic look, I turned it wrongside out to make it look softer. Here it is…

Shabby Fabric Reversed

However, I changed my mind on the second tier and turned it right size out to bring out a little bit of yellow…the subtle change in the fabric makes it more interesting.

Shabby Fabric 1

I measured the fabric against the height of the first diaper tier. I ironed and hot glued the seams. Then, I wrapped it around the diaper tier and hot glued again — during this process, you’re not gluing directly to the diapers. Your glue is placed so that it adheres fabric to fabric which, as it dries, becomes snug enough to stay in place on your diaper tier. This is also the time that you add an embellishment or two. Be careful! I hot glued my finger. Ouch!!

I like the pretty white flower. I put two of them on the cake.

Flower on Shabby Chic Diaper Cake

The third tier is a pink receiving blanket with a crocheted yellow child’s hat. My friend via this blog, Libby Brewer, made it for me. Thank you Libby!! Libby made four other Christmas gifts for my family members. She’s very talented.

Shabby Chic Diaper Cake 3 Tier

I hope the new mama likes her Shabby Chic Cake.

Shabby Chic Diaper Cake


Organizing Makeup Drawers and Ribbon Storage

I’m working hard on my Project Realization Decrapification.   It’s been a little difficult since Mike hooked up with Noro Virus.  He feels miserable, and I feel bad bouncing around the house doing things when he feels so bad.  Although, I’m a little envious about the weight loss.

I’ve been doing a lot of stuff at night. Yeah..I’m one of those people who cannot sleep. My natural sleep pattern is to fall asleep about 1:30 am and sleep until 8:30 am. The best way to live with this is just to give into it. Mike goes to bed at about 11:00 pm, while I am getting in my groove at that time. I work on smaller projects during these late hours…like organizing my makeup drawer.

I’ve had this old makeup organizer tray for a long time.  If I found a new one that fit the drawer as well as this one, I’d toss this tray. It’s 14 years old.   The plastic is discolored and it just doesn’t look clean.   However, until I find one, I’ll continue using it.  I put it in the dishwasher to see if it would clean up….didn’t really help it.

Old Make Up TrayI decided to line it, so I bought Contact paper. I really like the Contact paper.   It’s come a long way since I bought it 30 years ago and it had coffee grinders and orange flowers.  Really rocked with my avacado kitchen!!  That’s a whole “other” discussion — why did I have a kitchen the color of an avacado and why did I think it looked good?    If you can’t relate to that, can you relate to the “mauve” experience that, thankfully, I was too poor to participate in?  What will it be next?   I’m afraid to think.   Anyway, I really like my contact paper.    I’m repeating myself!!   Argh!!!   If the avacado didn’t give my age away, the memory lapse did!

Contact Paper

Contact paper is easy to work with because the reverse side is marked every 1/2 inch.  Makes it easy to cut.  I think it made the makeup organizer tray look better.

Make up Drawer 1

Here’s the drawer beside it…it had a white tray. I did the same with it.

Make UP Drawer 2

I also am in this Diaper Cake making phase frenzy. I showed you my first attempt in an earlier post (here), and now I’m getting set for my second try.   I’m horning in on a baby shower my friend Dee Dee is having.   I gently suggested, “Why don’t you make a diaper cake?”  She said, “you can if you want to.”  That’s all it took.    I hope this one turns out really nice.

Since I like love adore ribbons, and diaper cakes are mostly ribbons and diapers, this works out great. However, I realized I had ribbons everywhere. They were in plastic bins that were labeled gift wrap, others labeled for sewing, and others for crafts. Ribbons are beyoootiful!! They deserve their own home and a place where I can see them.

I found the perfect solution at Michaels. I had been thinking of something for Mike to make but this was $24.99 and I had a 50% coupon. For $12.50? Yes!!

Ribbon Holder

I put my ribbons on it up as soon as I got home. This one is filled up. I’ll get a second one when I go back to Kingsport.

Ribbon Holder

I love this!


Welcome 2014 and Norovirus!

Happy New Year’s Eve.   We are definitely not going out tonight.  We never go out on New Year’s, but tonight, we’re barely moving.  It all started last night. Mike and I went to Mellow Mushroom to play Trivia.   I was so excited…”Dude” (Mike’s Trivia name) and “Jedi” (me) were ready to go.   Feelin’ good! I’d briefly reviewed maps of Europe, checked out a few major rivers, etc. so I would know what countries bordered each other, etc. All prepared to kick Dude’s butt.    However, the game was not working. Drat! Also, during the evening, Mike said he was cold.    Then, on the way home, he said his stomach felt upset.   “Dude” was being replaced with “Dud” — he was sick.   He has been in the bed today still complaining of chills with the addition of aches and continued nausea.   I know he’s not faking because he’s not eaten anything all day and had just two sips of ginger ale. Poor guy! I’m staying way…far…away from him. I hate getting sick. Although…this could potentially kick off the year with a weight loss opportunity.

I’m wondering where he got this.  I’ve read that the Norovirus is out and about and very contagious, but I don’t know anyone who has had it.    If you know anyone, drop me a note and let me know.

So I’ve been working solo around here today doing what I’ll bet half the United States is doing…putting away Christmas stuff.   I cannot get this stuff put away fast enough. On December 26th, I decided to try to keep Christmas in my heart, but it has to leave my house.

Messy Table

That green stuff on the table (above picture)? It’s my preserved boxwood wreaths stacked up.   This is definitely something you should try if you like miniature wreaths.  It’s easy, and while the wreaths are brittle at this point, they are still green and can be used again.   (I’m assuming that everyone reading saw the post on how to preserve boxwood, but just in case it’s here!)


Preserved Boxwood Wreath

There are so few things I do that turn out good, so please let me have my moment. Let’s look at this little preserved boxwood one.last.time. Four weeks and still lookin’ good.

Preserved Boxwood Wreath Results

I packed the precious darlings in a box. I’ll use them next year! I’ve already made a list of things I want to do next Christmas and one thing is to spell “JOY” with the “O” being one of my wreaths. I bought the J and Y at Michael’s on sale!! They’re in the box, too!

Happy New Year!


Project Realization Decrapification – Diaper Cake

Are you ready for the New Year?  I am!  Goodbye 2013!  Hello 2014!!  My first month of 2014 is going to be involved in Project Realization Decraptification.   There’s no point in trying to organize crap.   Last year, I organized a lot of stuff, but that included crap items that I haven’t touched since.  I’ve arrived at the realization these things need to leave.  C ya!    Also, there are a lot of Zombie projects lying about.  The walking dead.   They either need to come to life or go away.    I’m planning on doing some organizing in January, and one thing that must happen is to finish or get rid of the Zombies.     Project Realization Decrapification is going to happen!

Here’s a Zombie project — it’s a diaper cake. It’s also a little underwhelming and not the look I was going for, but it still is useful.   It’s full of diapers, a baby bottle and a cute little doggy on top.

Diaper Cake

This started out being a cake for the Cake Walk for the Mendota Heritage Festival. That was September. It spent a lot of days with its body parts lying about.  I drug out a few yesterday and looked at them.  Yep.  They are there.  Rubber bands, diapers and stuff.

UFO Diaper Cake

I rolled up the diapers..and anchored them with a baby bottle.

Bottom Layer

Wrapped with a pretty ribbon..

Baby Girl Ribbon

And here it is…cute in spite of all the imperfections.

Diaper Cake

I love this little dog on top.  I hope the baby does, too.

Pink Doggy Topper

This is far from perfect, but I had to get these diapers out of the closet.  I know everything to do now to make one that looks so much better– and I will— but this one has to go!!   I’m giving it to Neth and EJ’s mother who will be having a little girl next month. Neth and EJ are our young friends who help Mike keep this place mowed and trimmed in the summer, chop wood in the winter and so on.    Neth also shows up to watch college football with Mike frequently.    Neth loves Nebraska…Mike loves Ohio State (excuse me…that is The Ohio State University), and they pretty much talk trash about every other team–except South Carolina (our grandson’s favorite team), Virginia Tech and the University of Tennessee.

Speaking of Neth, he is almost recovered from the leg fracture received when Gate City played Abingdon High School this past fall. He was making the greatest play…the best run..we were on our feet…cowbells were ringing…and he was tackled.   The ensuing moments moved him from the field to the Emergency Room with a fractured leg.   Coach Blevins of Emory & Henry was on the field that evening.   He had come to watch some of the boys– including Neth–play.  Neth met Coach Blevins at a fall kicking camp.   Doug Blevins served on the coaching staff of the Miami Dolphins for six seasons. He’s coached NFL kickers, including future Hall of Famer Adam Vinatieri of the New England Patriots and Indianapolis Colts.   He’s a wonderful person, and he has been gracious enough to take an interest in Neth who was at another kicking camp this past weekend.

Speaking of kicking camp, I could not keep Mike away.   Neth arrived at 11 am at Emory & Henry, and Mike showed up at noon.   He brought Neth’s younger brother with him.  That was his excuse so that he wouldn’t look like a lurker.  He took my camera for a few pictures.   My question from this picture is ..”why does Neth have on shorts when it was about 35 degrees?”    In fact, it looks like everyone on the field lost their mind and wore shorts.   Surely you can kick in sweat pants?

Kicking Camp 1

Here’s another….    

Kicking Camp 2

Watch out VHSL football…our boy will be back next fall…faster and better than ever!!


Cat Pee On Heating Vents – Never Again!

Sometimes it’s right under your nose. That’s how Nancy and Gerald felt when they realized their cat was peeing in the heating vents. Nancy is my sister, and Gerald is my brother in law.

Apparently, cats like to pee in vents–at least Sissy Booher does. Sissy is Nancy and Gerald’s tortoiseshell kitty cat. Sissy sees heating vents as a kind of “out house”…a hole in the floor meant for her business. Nevermind that the warm house she lives in gets its warmth from these vents.

This was stinky business. Gerald recalled that cats do not like plastic…the “scrunchy” sound drives them crazy. He took a Walmart bag and placed it over the vent. It’s got air holes to let the heat out but it also inflates…it moves a little when the heat is flowing.

Walmart Bag on Vent

And here’s another picture…this is a versatile invention. We’re calling it the Cat Pee PreVent Cover. It fits into any decor with a bow accessory which can be customized to fit your home.


Laugh all you want. She’s not peeing in the vents!! You saw it here first…the Cat Pee PreVent Cover!!


Christmas In Mendota, Virginia

Merry Christmas!

Actually, Merry Christmas Eve according to these Mod Podge Christmas count down blocks.

Mod Podge Christmas

It was a year of natural Christmas decorating here at RiverCliff Cottage, and this front door decoration  pictured below was so easy.    This could be called budget decorating, using what you have decorating,etc….I really enjoyed it.   I’ve had this basket hidden away for over ten years.  It was full of artificial stuff from a St. Anne’s Catholic Church Fall Bazaar  (Bristol, Virginia).  Shortly after I bought it, I had the “fake faux plant intervention” with myself and put all of that kind of stuff away. This year I almost sold the basket at my garage sale, and I’m glad I did not.   It has been on the door for four weeks, and the evergreen branches (I have no idea what kind of tree I clipped them from), the boxwood, and the magnolia have held up really well. We had a tremendous amount of wind on Sunday morning, and the ribbon blew around and looks a little worse for the wear, but overall things have held up well.

Natural Christmas Decor on Door

And look…if you are friends with me on Facebook, you’ve already seen the picture below.  This is what Mike and I got each other for Christmas. Most certainly this is our last Christmas with these Dear Girls. We purchased this from Mallory Fine Arts in Abingdon as part of the “Reigning Cats and Dogs” exhibit benefitting the Animal Defense League of Washington County.  Nadya Warthen-Gibson is the artist.    I provided her with five or six photographs of Gracie and Luckie which were taken about two years ago, and she captured them in this portrait.

Puppies Picture

Something else… I’m going out on a limb here, but I believe we’re going to have a snow in Mendota soon. Some time around New Year’s Day.   I’m hopeful anyway.   Our Pencil Post Snowman is ready. He says “Let it Snow” on the little sign he’s holding. Do you like this guy? I’ve thought about having Mike make me a dozen of these and  then selling them at the Farmer’s Market next Christmas.   (Talk about planning…I’m 365 days ahead of the game! ) Should I do it?   I haven’t had a large amount of luck with this type of thing…I could possibly end up with an army of Pencil Post Snowmen next Christmas!

Fence Post Snowman

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Day and lots of Christmas right through the next year. Thank you for reading RiverCliff Cottage.


I Am A Landscaping Loser

Look carefully at the picture below. It is from a cute site called Homemade Gifts Made Easy.


Somehow I must have been channeling this site when doing the pruning on our shrubbery last year. Do you see the resemblance?

Green Shaggy plant

This Golden Horizon Deodar Cedar should just be giving us a little winter color right now.   I am a landscaping loser.
