This post is about two things. We had a really nice weekend and that is the first part. The second part has to do with my shoe.
On Saturday, Mike and I along with our friend, Sue, drove to Asheville to meet Marc (Mike’s son) and his family. I wanted to deliver their two pumpkins.
I forgot the pumpkins. Ouch!
It was a perfect weekend to make this trip. Look at this…
And this..
And how about this? If you believe folklore, we’ll have eight or nine snows this winter.
We met Marc, Mary, Jack and Connor at Neo Cantina. It’s a Mexican restaurant in downtown Asheville near Biltmore. We meet them at this same restaurant about three times per year. It’s a fun tradition.
Here’s a picture of all of us…
And then I looked up in the trees and saw this bit of sweetness…
And this cute 13 year old….
And here are the older kids and the really older kids…
And a good picture of Marc, Sue and Jack…
And now the shoe…
My cousin’s husband, Sammy, pastors a small church near our house called Pine Grove. While we are members at Mt. Vernon in Hiltons, I like attending Pine Grove occasionally because everyone is family. Really family!
This is a Revival Week at Pine Grove. Tonight was the first night of revival and at the close of the service, Pastor Sammy asked everyone to come to the alter and kneel or sit nearby for the closing prayer. Since I’m able to kneel, I joined the “Kneelers.” My sister was right behind me with the “Sitters.”
The prayer was steeped in sweetness, and I was thinking how much I loved the intimacy of worship with family and neighbors in this rural community.
And then it happened. It was like a flash of realization! I realized that this…
Was prominently displayed while I knelt! It was all I could think about!