I know how someone feels that has received a bonus or how a hunter feels when he or she gets the big prey. Look what I found this morning. 32 ounces. Yeah…the big one.

While I haven’t exactly done a lot of shopping recently, I have not seen any hand sanitizer in stores or online in over a month. I still have some, and I purchased alcohol and aloe vera gel to make my own, but all that stuff is still in the closet. I went this morning for the 8 am grocery pickup at Walmart, a stop by the laundry to wash a quilt, and a quick trip to Target to see if there were any Lysol wipes. I got nowhere on the wipes but I was so happy that I almost skipped out of the store with my Germ-X. I messaged everyone to share my good news. Crazy. I cannot imagine having ever gotten so excited about a bottle of Germ-X in the past but there ya go!
By shopping early, I’m home by 9 am and it was so pretty. I was so productive. Then..just like “poof” … it became windy and gray. I remained productive, sort of…

Last week I made a couple of denim valances for one of the bedrooms. I thought it would take a couple of hours. This is a bad picture but I want you to get the idea of just how simple this project was. It was not even lined. I just wanted something to somewhat “finish” the window since it has blinds.

Saying something like “it’ll be easy” is a bad omen when you are getting ready to make something–or at least for me it is. On the first valance, I failed to “finish” the left and right sides of the valance, so while everything else was fine, I had raw edges. It meant that I had to seam rip the valances to take them apart and correct my error. I was so annoyed. These were simple. So simple. Yet, I made them so difficult.
Tippy Jo stays right with me when I’m doing something which is so difficult. I have to watch cords, pins, etc. as she’ll eat or steal just about anything. Here’s her take on things.
I did finally get both of them finished. The second one was a breeze but good grief…how in the world did that first one become so difficult? At least I have plenty of time to do things. Lots of time. Lots and lots.