Hello everyone! “Mavis” found my blog and commented on it. Hi Mavis! It’s fun when someone I don’t know finds me and LIKES me! Just so you’ll know, I can’t see who is following the blog unless a comment is left. I can see the number of views, and I can actually block IP addresses for spammers or trolls, but I don’t really know who reads until a comment is left. I know I like Mavis because she is a canner. Yeah Mavis!
So…I worked today. I’m working until the end of August! Anyway, I got home from work and as my diet has blown up this past two weeks, I decided to go for a walk. Mike was going to take the “dear girls” (our dogs Gracie and Luckie) for a “loop” on the “outer belt” of Mendota (large Swinging Bridge Road loop) so he dropped me off. I decided to take you along on my walk.
This is the first little face I saw on Swinging Bridge. Let me introduce you to Patty.
Patty is a rescue dog. She has quite a big of Great Pyranese in her, but today that is not what she is talking about. She is talking about the very bad haircut her Mommy gave her.
Patty: “Look…she cut my fur!!
Punkin: “You don’t expect me to look at you, do you?”
Patty: “I don’t care how I look..I love my Mommy.”
And just like that, it was time to visit the chickens. As we enter the wire enclosure, we’re greeting by a Welcome Feather. These are no ordinary chickens.
These chickens live at the Dean’s Hen Hilton. How many hens do you know that live like this?
The sunflower shelter is made completely out of recycled materials. I had to insert a large picture. (I’m using a new photo editing software…free of course…hope it’s not all elongated!) Very cool.
Speaking of needing a haircut…see the feet on this chick…
I think Margie said that the chicken pictured above is a Brahma. We weren’t quite sure if this is a rooster or a hen. No one is crowing but no one is laying yet! It will happen soon!
Here’s another sweet girl…actually two sweet girls. Margie and one of her Aracaunas. This chicken is special as her eggs will be a blue green color. Very pretty. It’s a color Benjamin Moore would like to copy I’m sure! Once she is a bit older, she’ll start laying and I’ll show you a picture of one of her eggs.
Check this out…what do you think this shelter for three of the girls is made out of?
Did you say it used to be a table?
It’s time to leave. In just a short while, I’ll be visiting Margie and the girls weekly as they begin laying eggs. I have committed to one dozen beautiful, healthy free-range eggs each week. If we don’t eat the eggs, I’ll whip some scrambled eggs up for the dear girls.
I head out Swinging Bridge. Not much going on this evening. Here’s a truck. We have way more trucks than cars in Mendota, and if someone doesn’t have a truck, they probably wish they did! I feel like I’m walking through a salad bowl at I approach this shady area. Have I said that before?
Almost home. I walk by the unfinished barn which is being built of recycled materials. The work is going slowly but at least there is shelter for some hay. The goats will need that this winter. You’ll never hear me complain about someone who works a little slower. My projects take three times as long as everyone else!
I’m home from my walk. I have a large project ahead of me this weekend. I’m going to reorganize my pantry closet where I store cleaning supplies, filters, vet supplies and quite a bit of my canned goods. I wanted to share the BEFORE picture to keep me motiviated to tackle this project this weekend.
Two window treatments and the pantry. I will be a happy camper if I get this done by Sunday.
Thanks for reading my blog. It means a lot to me. Talk later!