September Unraveled

I am sitting here with Mike tonight, and he’s watching the Tom Cruise movie “Rock of Ages.”    This is a stupid movie. I am so embarrassed for Tom Cruise.   He is only a little younger than me, and I can tell you — I’d have better sense than to make such a silly movie in my 40’s. Look in the mirror Tom! You aren’t in your 20’s!!

Are you noticing that the days are getting shorter fast?     It’s so nice to be semi-retired (still working a small bit) and able to sleep late on these cool mornings. However, I’ve got to use my time better. You’ve heard me say this before, but this time I mean it. Really. I’m going to lose weight.

Although I love this sweet faced cow…I don’t want to weigh as much as her.

cow 1

I’m doing a life style change in October. 20 minutes of exercise EVERY DAY. When I hook up with you and talk about what happened in October, I promise you that changes will be made! One of the changes is…gasp…Pal’s tea has got to go. Water. No tea.

I’ve been looking at pictures from the past month as well as RiverCliff Cottage’s results.   Over 1500 people viewed Rivercliff Cottage in the past 30 days and they looked at about 3100 pages (posts). That’s not that many, but it’s way more than I ever thought would read this blog.   I’m so thankful you stop by. I want more people to comment, but I realize my comment section is hard to find. Please look for it and say hello. I’m going to get that part of my site reworked soon.

Thank you for reading RiverCliff Cottage.


3 thoughts on “September Unraveled

  1. Gayle

    Well I’m proud of you for committing to the weight loss thing! It’s soooo much harder as you get older so now is he time to do it! And I feel your pain about the Pals tea! I had to go through a little withdrawal when I quit but you can soooo do it! I’ll be your sponsor if you need one! Hold you a accountable and all!’ LOL!

    1. Eva Post author

      Yes…please be my sponsor. I may have to come sleep between you and Gary for those long, tealess nights.

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