Dear Honeybees

Dear Honeybees,

Since you arrived at the end of May, I have made over 100 trips to your home. When I visit you, I bring you sugar water. Since May, you have consumed over 300 pounds of sugar. You should be sweet by now.

Sugar Water

You are not sweet. No…quite the reverse. You have rewarded me by stalking me. On a good day, you hitchhike and ride on my clothing while I’m outside. On a bad day, and there are lots of bad days, you are just mean. Mowing? Only on your terms else I’m chased. Due to you, liquid Benedryl has become a staple in my house. You have taken possession of my home recycling center, my garage entry, and you think the sheets on the clothesline are yours, too. You love my flowers and plants, but you get mad when I water them. What is it with you?

When my husband washed the car, you sent one of your guards out to sting his big toe, which grew to be really big. He was just washing the car????

In the near future, I’m going to cut off your sugar water. Did you hear that? No sugar water!! What do you think of that?


4 thoughts on “Dear Honeybees

  1. Patsy

    Poor Mike’s big toe. Bet that hurt. You tell your bees that I would give them sugar water but I don’t really like them. I bet ya that you do feed them more–your just being mean. Bad EVA!!!

  2. Gayle

    So when we will we reap the rewards of all your labor?? Honey supply getting low and I have had to supplement with (shhhh….) store bought brands!!! LOL!

    1. Eva Post author

      Oh no!!! Store bought!! UGH!!! It’ll be next year before we have a drop. As part of our “we will do everything we can” methodology for them to survive the winter, we are leaving them loaded with honey. Come summer of 2014? We’ll be taking it back if they are healthy!!

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