About Me


Hello you…this is me. I am a daughter of Clinch Mountain and a sister to the North Fork of the Holston. I live in a postcard called Mendota, Virginia.

I’m a graduate of Meredith College.  I’ve worked in many roles and I’ve been an entrepreneur owning a kayak company called Adventure Mendota.    With concerns about how to operate during a pandemic, I  closed Adventure Mendota in 2020, yet I’m so proud that over 13,000 people visited my community and kayaked with me in five very short summer seasons.   Now, I’m figuring out what’s next.   One thing for certain is that change is good; and if one is open to new adventures, they present themselves.

This blog is my a collection of my thoughts along with bits of the history of this pretty area that I call home.  If you wish to reach out to me,  please leave a comment (in the Leave a Reply) section following each blog entry or email me at rivercliffcottage@gmail.com.


19 thoughts on “About Me

  1. lisa benfield edwards

    move over Martha….Eva has arrived…she’s bound to do life a little more on the cheap!!!!and with a lot more humor…Martha is dry as a stick…you go girl…

  2. Ann Porter

    Your garden and home speaks peace and tranquility. The well manicured lawn and beautiful decorated home tell a story. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Melynda Taylor

    Enjoyed this — and found it because I’ve misplaced Danette Mayfield’s phone number — she has done a lot of work for me — draperies, upholstery — and I need her to do some. Can you please send me her number. She will remember me, I’m sure.

  4. Donna Weddle

    Hi, I was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, but my Mom and Dad, and their parents were all born and raised mostly in Russell County, Va. Ma grew up in a house across from the swinging bridge, that she and her siblings had to walk over to go to school in Mendota. This would have been in the 1940s. Her maiden name is Emogene McCloud, her daddy, Banner McCloud, and her mother’s maiden name was Clementine (Tiny) Harrison. My sister, Mom and I drove over there in about 1998. It is so beautiful and peaceful there! That day, the Clinch mountains looked a beautiful shade of purple! I exclaimed, “so that’s what they mean in the song, for purple mountains majesty!”

    1. Eva Post author

      Donna, I believe I know where you parents were raised. It is right across from where I live. It surely is a small world! Thank you for visiting my blog. I will try and update it more often with what is happening in Mendota!!! I love those mountains that you are referring to. For those of us born and raised here, as your mother would be–we are the daughters of Clinch Mountain. I’m going to post your note on my Facebook page and see if anyone recalls your mother.

      1. Jim Swartsell

        Hi eva, I found your site by accident while looking for Mendota information. My late Mother( born Gladys Sproles) was raised in Mendota near the base of Clinch Mountain. I remember spending Summer vscations there as a kid. I live North of Cincinnati, Ohio. My “Mamwa’s” maiden name was Mamie Moore. Best Regards, Jim Swartsell

        1. Eva Post author

          I remember these names. What was Mamie’s married name? Where exactly did Gladys live? My grandparents were Sproles.

  5. Margaret Sproles

    Hi. Just came across your site will looking for genealogy information about Nelson and Mamie Sproles. Gladys Sproles (maiden name) was a sister to my husband’s grandfather Willie Sproles. Still looking for any information that you may wish to share😊 Take care, Margaret Sproles

    1. Eva Post author

      Let me forward your email to my sister, Pat, who has put her foot…maybe just toe…into our grandparents and great grandparents history. I will see if she knows anything.

      Thank you!


  6. Patsy Meyer

    You have a lovely yard and I enjoyed your tomatoes in bucket article. I have a lot of trees in my yard but my deck gets sun, this year I will try a bucket and see how it does, did yours produce? I live in Sioux Falls, SD.

    1. Eva Post author


      I’m so sorry I did not respond sooner. I have not attended to this blog as I should. Yes…they grew and it was nice. They DID require more water than I anticipated so I added some vermiculite to help hold moisture.



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