Mendota Trail

The picture below was taken many years ago. I felt very brave for “coming out” and speaking out for the Mendota Trail. So much has happened since that time. In 2016, under the leadership of Mr. Frank Kilgore, the first mile of trail was opened on the Mendota end in October 2017 and the first trestle was fully restored in 2018. Currently all 17 trestles have been restored; and the Mendota Trail has transitioned to being a Washington County Park. I could not be prouder of the Mendota Trail Conservancy and of my county leaders in Washington County, Virginia.

Please follow the Mendota Trail story on and follow on the Mendota Trail’s Facebook page as well.

Even though this was a bad hair day, this picture was taken on one of my favorite days ever!    I’d been riding on the Creeper Trail!

Eva Beaule on Bike

Here’s an earlier  post (again…many years old) on why I support  a hiking and biking trail  from Benhams to Mendota…a trail that would end at the location where the old Mendota Depot sat.   As the trail enters Mendota, here’s what riders would see….the North Fork!   This is my river.

Trail North Fork

Here’s something else that’s interesting from someone  else who has spent some time thinking about this trail.    Mendota Trail Flyover — A bird’s eye view and a bit of history and inspiration for trail lovers.   The trail goes through some very remote areas.  The picture below shows a leaf-covered trestle in Benhams.


Do you want a voice in the future of our county — changes that might include trails?    The leadership of Washington County wants to hear from you!   Visit this link for a brief survey that provides an opportunity for your voice. Community Planning and Development Survey

Are you concerned about how the trail will look in your community?  Hiking and biking trails are pristine.  The people who ride and walk trails are environmentally aware–that’s why they are on the trail.   Here’s a picture of a portion of our trail today.   Do you feel this is acceptable?  I do not.  

Trashy Trail

A few weeks ago, I spoke with a Virginia State Trooper on Swinging Bridge Road working a call on a portable meth lab.   This was on my road–near my home.   People who make and use meth seek out areas where they think they will not be discovered.   They hide.    They do not like the “risk” of a group of bikers rolling by and seeing their illegal activity.  A hiking and biking trail is a deterrent.

What about me?   I’m one of several working toward seeing a hiking and biking trail evolve from a dream to a reality.   Why do I want a hiking and biking trail?

Creeper Trail Cafe

I want to focus on a sustainable rural economy that will allow our sons and daughters a few opportunities to work and live here. At the onset, most of it would be seasonal, but that is a great deal more opportunity than what we have today.   I want a community that is revitalized — focused on something that is positive and good.   We have to have the courage to make the right choices today.   Someone opposed to this trail asked “what about the children?”    That was a puzzling question — our children and the opportunities we can provide them via this trail are the very best reasons to see the Mendota Trail to fruition.   “What about the children?”  My answer is that the children will be leaving soon if we don’t provide them reasons to stay.

I want something for Mendota that  preserves our natural resources.   Have the vision and courage to support a hiking and biking trail from Bristol to the “downtown” of Mendota.    The picture below was taken from the final trestle–crossing the North Fork– as the trail enters Mendota.     What a beautiful sight.

Tressel View River


5 thoughts on “Mendota Trail

    1. David fuller

      I would love to see the trail but pretty soon you’ll have half of Charlotte up here on all the county roads that are fun to ride motorcycles on I guess I’m just being narcissistic. Once Mendota is exposed to the world it won’t be the Treasurer it is now.

      1. Eva Post author

        Hi David

        Where do you live? Do you live in Mendota? We do have a lot of motorcycles out here — many times they stop over at Adventure Mendota. Mendota is very pretty, but I recall–I was born here– when it was a place where you could get a bite to eat, get gas, etc. When the tobacco economy left, these left as well. I want that again.

  1. John Iskra


    I just donated to the go fund me page for this project. I’m very interested in helping make this trail a reality. How else can I help?


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