Tag Archives: mendota-history

In Mendota…July 31, 1903

I’m looking at old online newspapers and thought others might be interested in some of the things I’m finding.

On July 31, 1903, in the Abingdon Virginian newspaper, Mendota was mentioned:

An engineering corps has been in the neighborhood several days making the survey for a line of railroad which has been chartered from Narrows, Va, to Mendota. This is the third survey that has been made down the river and we will hope it will prove to be the charm.

Just below this mention in a section titled “Mendota, Va. July 31”.

John W. Kaylor, one of our citizens, was married near Wallace last Wednesday. Quite a number of people were at the depot Thursday to see them.

Drs. Pruner and Overguard, of Nebraska, spent several days visiting relatives and friends here and in Russell last week. They left Friday for Baltimore where they will visit before returning home.

Curtis Jett Left Yesterday for Illinois.

H. H. Hamilton went down to Gate City yesterday.

J. F. Tyler returned to his home last week at Winston, NC after paying his sister, Mrs. P. L. Jett a week’s visit.

Will Nickells, of Appalachia, is spending a few days with home folks.

1300 bushels of wheat has just been thrashed on Kinderhook farm.

The ladies of the Methodist Church are preparing for an ice cream supper Saturday night.
