Tag Archives: metallic-gold-pumpkins

The Incredible Gold Pumpkin

There are so many things wrongs with me…

Need to lose 20 pounds….ok…maybe more.

And I just looked at my nails.  I bite my nails…chipped polish.  Yuck.

And I could use bra for my butt 🙂   You get the picture!

So when I come up with a good idea…I’m just so proud of myself! The head swells. The nail biting stops. I diet. I become more focused…briefly. I think my butt even perks up a little.

Because of that, we must return to painting my fall items with lovely gold metallic spray paint. I do love that stuff. I’ve now included pumpkins in the mix.

As an example…here is a pumpkin which I call “Turk’s Turban” because it looks like…well a Turk’s Turban.   I’ll be saving and sharing seeds from this guy.  He’s been a beauty all season.

He’s now entering his “golden age.”

Here it is recycled (turned upside down in the bowl) and reused as part of the 2012 Christmas decorations at the real RiverCliff Cottage.   (That RiverCliff Cottage is dirtier than I show in the pictures.)

So many things to spray…so little time.

I’m off today cleaning house and  getting rested for our big December 7 sales event at About Face on Friday. Friday evening it’s the community dinner. Saturday it’s wreath making.

Yikes…so much to do!
