Tag Archives: nancy-booher-quilt; flower-garden-quilt; mendota-quilts

Guest House Bedroom and Quilts

Happy Saturday!  Another blazing hot day!   We are staying cool by staying inside today. I’ve been cleaning our kitchen from top to bottom–serious..scrubbing the cabinets, cleaning the inside of the cabinets, and even washing my jars of greenbeans that I keep on top of the cabinets.   I made the mistake of cleaning our self-cleaning oven today when it’s close to 100 degrees outside, and it’s been blowing hot air for over four hours.  Yuck  One hour left and it should be clean. Next time, I’ll do this on a cool day — winter!!

Mike and I have been pushing forward on our projects.   He has the dining room completely painted, and I’ve been painting the baseboards in the kitchen, and we’ll be installing new kitchen window treatments by Monday.   I’ll post pictures.   I hope they look good!

Finally, the guesthouse bedroom’s hardwood is down and while there are a few things remaining to be done, the room is essentially finished. It’s a very simple room, but I like the way it looks.  I stood in the closet and took this picture.

I just want to go over and crawl in that bed.  The room is so much cleaner than our main house master bedroom.   The hardwood floors that Mike installed make it look so fresh and neat. I painted the baseboard, and he made and installed the toe molding.  We didn’t even fight.  Much.

The quilt was made by a local Mendota quilter and friend, Joyce “Toby” Sproles.   She was actually a close friend of my mother’s (Leah Vivian Sproles Barker) and I went to school with her daughters (Lois, Sandy and Lisa).   She made it out of scraps, and I admire the artistry she used in putting the colors together.  I would not have known where to start!  It is perfect for this room, and everytime I see it, I think of Toby.  She has had some serious health issues, but she keeps on creating.   I want to get her picture with the quilt to add to my Quilt Project tab on this blog.   I hope to do that in the next week or two.  There is so much talent in this area.

I put some sheer curtains on the windows which were purchased at Walmart for a little less than $9.   At first I planned on buying a new black rod, but I decided to spray paint the existing rod (which is one of those real simple ones that cost about $1.00).    A new one might have looked a bit better, but I’d rather use what I’ve got and save the money.

The guesthouse is furnished with castoffs or extras, furniture that Mike has made, and a few things that someone had been intending to get rid of but gave to us instead.   I made most of the window treatments and throw pillows.  It reminds me of having a big dollhouse (until it’s time to clean it).   We are going to be working on the guesthouse during the next three months, and I’ll take pictures of the rooms as we work on them.

As you go into the guesthouse, which is really an apartment above the garage, you’ll run into another quilt.  It’s called Flower Garden, and my sister Nancy made it.  It was a Mendota Cemetery Quilt, and I won it during the raffle.  I bought a lot of tickets.

Pretty, Isn’t it?

I don’t mean to gush, but thank you to everyone reading this blog.  I love your coments.  Mike will look at me while I’m looking at my laptop and say “what are you grinning about?”  It’s you!  I’m reading your comments!   This has been so fun for me.
